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Rudraksha Beads - For Health, Wealth & Spirituality

The Tears of Lord Shiva that are Rudraksha, are the original Vedic Beads of Power worn by the Yogis of India and the Himalayas for thousands of years to maintain health and to gain self empowerment and fearless life on their path to Enlightenment and Liberation.The Electromagnetic Properties of the Rudraksha Beads improve concentration, focus and mental stamina.

Mirrors of Reality

Have you ever looked into a mirror and wondered what happened that changed you from the last time you looked?Good news!It really doesn't matter if it was a good change or not!Why not? Because you really aren't looking at something that's real! It's not only temporary but it's distorted!God's Word is Your Mirror of RealityWe are told in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that God's Word gives us a clear picture of who we are and what we have been promised.When we look into that mirror we actually see the real reflection and as we do it more we become more and more like Jesus.

The Dark Side of The Pope

If you look at just the man/women after he/she has died, what part of the humanity do you eulogize?Every person has something to bring to us in his or her death; it is a gift from the other side and is the knowledge of the past and an open door to a new path for the future. The life lived by any person can motivate us to a brighter and more enlightened future.

Women as Catholic Priests: The Time for Change is Now

In ancient Rome, the cradle of democracy, women had no rights. Their place was in the home under the custody and control of the master of the house, which would often be the husband or father.

Fellowship Forever

Today I would like to share with you the word "Fellowship" as rendered from the Greek word in the New Testament in the KJV "Koinonia". The word is from the Greek root word "Koinonos", which is translated partaker five times, partner three times, fellowship one time and companion one time for a total of ten times.

How to Study the Bible 5 Keys

This article was inspired by a book by E. W.

Pope John Paul II, The Right Man at the Right Time

The world has been blessed to have Pope John Paul II for the past 27 years. Many people have called him The Man of the Century.

Conclave: Electing a New Pope

Upon the death of the Pope, a monumental sequence of events unfolds, culminating in a process known as the conclave whereby a new Pope is elected to lead the Roman Catholic faith.Beneath Michelangelo's revered ceiling in the Sistine Chapel, the College of Cardinals, led by the Cardinal Camerlegno (Cardinal Chamberlain), Eduardo Martinez Somalo, begins the arduous process of selecting the pope's successor.

Praying Hands - Are You Using Yours Correctly?

Do you find prayer intimidating? Have you ever said,"I don't know how to pray"? If so, you may besurprised to learn that there is no "right" or "wrong"method of prayer. Nor is prayer reserved for a handfulof religious professionals.

In The Beginning Christ!

As I was doing my studies, the Lord put something on my heart that really took me by surprise. He dropped a little bit of revelation knowledge into my mind, and it took me on a great ride.

Do You Have Disciples?

Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." That was the command of the master, Jesus of Nazareth when he walked the face of this earth to two fishermen, Simon and his brother, Andrew.

Be Careful How You Live -- Ephesians 5:15-20

There is a sharp contrast in Ephesians between the "light" and the "dark" (cf. 5:8).

Amos And Social Justice Part 2

Amos was summoned by God to warn the Northern Kingdom of Israel of its impending doom due to the collapse of justice and the moral and spiritual decline of the nation. It should be understood that Amos did not travel to Israel in the footprints of Elijah and Elisha; working miracles and wonders.

Amos and Social Justice - Part 1

Amos was a shepherd who lived in the region of Tekoa, not many miles from the city of Jerusalem. He earned his living by raising sheep and taking care of sycamore trees.

Catholic Voters Need to Rethink Morality

If Catholic doctrine calls for the sanctity of all human life, then why is it that church leaders implicitly endorse Republican candidates that are pro-life at the expense of all else. In fact, the sanctity of life doctrine stands directly in opposition to the death penalty as well as abortion.

The Christian Community Tries To Take Back What Belongs To Them!

"See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Is.

A Gentle God

I was in my late teens when I first read Henry Barbusse's Under Fire, a novel set in the first world war trenches. It led me to consider the question: who does God listen to when He is bombarded with the prayers of different nations and religions, all equally convinced that He is on their side?As I grew up, the questions became more problematic: what kind of god are we talking about? Who would want to follow a supposedly supreme being whose followers regularly take up arms in his name?While Muslim leaders are urging their followers to look honestly at the health of their faith, Christian bishops are silent.

The Power Source

Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized ?in the name of Jesus Christ.? And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Fruit-Bearing Christians

This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. JOHN 15:8Can you imagine the fruit of six million lighthouses across America praying for, caring for, and sharing Jesus Christ with their neighbors, friends, and family?I can imagine it, but there was a time when I couldn't have.

Have You Neglected This Righteous Cause Of God?

As believers, we have a responsibility to care forthose who have been left without a bread winner, whichbegins with the responsibility of caring for our ownfamily and relatives who may be in distress.1 Timothy 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, andspecially for those of his own house, he hath deniedthe faith, and is worse than an infidel.

Teamwork in Ministry: Pauls Sense of Partnership in the Gospel

In the pursuit of his Christian ministry, the Apostle Paul had a keen sense of teamwork, teamwork with God and with his brothers and sisters. This awareness he expresses by using compound Greek words that begin with the prepositional prefix, sun-.

Reflections After The Tsunami Tragedy

Over the last few months hundreds of thousands of people have reached out with genuine concern and hard cash towards the people of SE Asia. The tsunami was no respecter of a person's religion in an area where Muslims and Christians, Hindus and Buddhists, have been killed or traumatised.

Freedom of Religion

We were all taught in school that our forefathers left England to escape religious dictatorships. Okay, there was a lot more to it then that, but it was a big enough deal that they made sure it got honorable mention in our rulebook.

Lets Restore the Word of Christ

"What? Trying to spread the gospel message without quoting from the New Testament? Impossible!" That may be your first reaction, but just think about it. Scholars tell us that the first New Testament book, either Galatians or First Thessalonians, was written in about 50 CE, nearly 20 years after that glorious Pentecost when Christ crucified was first proclaimed as the only possible remedy for sinners.

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