Religion Information

Are These People Putting You In Danger Of Eternal Hell Fire?

Most people put a lot of effort into being like othersaround them. We also tend to follow the thoughts oropinions of society threw television, movies, booksand the internet.

God Uses Internet People

So often I am asked, "How do you know that you are operating in God's will?"Normally, I need not look beyond the previous week for an example of His miraculous work in my life to answer the question.This is the first article that I have published under Religion or Spirituality.

What Is The Most Important Righteous Requirement Of Gods Law?

To live "under the law" is to live under theexpectation of fulfilling God's moral standardsthrough one's own human ability. However, rather thanexperiencing the joy of a clean conscience, wesometimes feel enslaved to legalism and guilt.

The Fruit, the Whole Fruit, and Nothing but the Fruit

Once we become a new creature in Christ, we are given a special gift of "supernatural" vision. This is a gift of discernment in order to protect us from the things we see in the natural.

Whats A Single Christian To Do?

It's Saturday night. You're sitting at home.

A Common Sense Approach to Religious Freedom

Down through the centuries and all over the world, the battle for religious freedom has been a bitter one. The United States has been no exception.

Has God Ever Disappointed You in Prayer?

Of a truth, the physical manifestations of God's answers to our prayers do nto come as quikly/immediately as we ask from Him. Why? God answers our prayers each time we pray to Him, but the manifestation of some of these prayers are delayedat times due to reasons best known to God, some of which He in His infinite mercy Has laid in our heart to share with the people of God to strenght and encourage them to pray.

Do You Know What It Takes To Crucify The Flesh?

The flesh is the part of us that resists ourtransformation into the new person in Christ.And since this is the case the devil wants to use thepleasures of our flesh to keep us enslaved to our oldhabits and sinful attitudes.

Thought Produces Desire, Produces Results

(Channelled)Roy? this week you learned something about yourself. You learned that if you don't take responsibility and action for doing things, things will happen anyways.

Teach Your Child to Pray

There are so many books out there on being a praying woman, or a praying wife, husband, nation, etc, but I'm not familiar with one about teaching my child to pray. A child that prays can have such an impact on his family, friends, and nation.

Possibilities in Prayer

Prostrateology is the theological term for the doctrine of prayer. Prayer is the oldest form of worship and is universal to all types of religions and believers.

Are You Missing What It Takes To Resist Sin?

I don't care how much you go to church or read yourbible sometimes no matter how hard you try to resistsinning you end up finding yourself giving in to itanyway.I know first hand because this has happen to me oncountless occasions.

How Should We Pray?

Many Christians often wonder, "How should we pray?"I'm going to touch on this subject of prayer a few more times in the upcoming weeks, so today we'll deal with asking for forgiveness in prayer.This question of prayer isn't a new one but is in fact one that the disciples asked Jesus while he was still roaming the earth.

Crazy in Love

Several years ago my cousin was pleased to find out that she wasn't going crazy,she found out that what she suffered from was O.C.

The Need for Biblically Minded Engineers

There is a great need in the world today for engineers who think and work from a Christian worldview. These engineers are needed to design, prototype, develop, and manufacture goods that support family economies, as opposed to city-corporate-paper economies, which strain the traditional family.

The Kabbalah of Love: Part One

(This is the first article in a new series on the Kabbalah of Love - stay tuned for upcoming articles!)Intimate Love.What feelings do these words stir up in you? Longing? Excitement? Pleasure? Fear?Whatever the feeling, if thinking about intimate love makes your heart beat faster, I'm not surprised.

Biblically Speaking of Evil and National Security

We have been learning to think Biblically and speak Scripturally about evil in order to teach our children about the dangers present in our fallen world, while setting our affections on things above (Colossians 3:2) and staying Spiritually minded (Romans 8:6). We first noticed that "it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret" (Ephesians 5:12), so we don't speak of those things.

Theology, Hollywood Style

After years of watching TV shows and movies, I think I have finally gotten a grasp on Hollywood's theology and it's not a pretty picture (pun intended). It should come as no surprise to anyone that Hollywood's theology is vastly different from that of the average American.

What Is Perfect Love?

Today, sitting in my pink armchair, reading about how a world-famous medium was able to communicate with the spirit world and our physical world and end the grief of those who had been left behind, I became even more aware of how love is the central theme of the universe itself. This was what the departed passed on to those who remained on earth.

What Is True Egalitarianism?

Why did the founding fathers of the United States consider egalitarianism to be such a necessary value? True egalitarianism is based on tolerance for differences. It is a principle of integrity much more than a rule of law.

The New Urban Christian

Who are these new Urban Christians? What's up with the afros, long hair, grunge or gangster attire? Have you been to a Christian rock concert? You can hardly tell the difference between it and a Rolling Stones Concert - there are crowds of long-haired teens and young adults, swaying to the music, holding up lighters. Have you been to a Gospel concert? It's just like going to see any popular R&B artist - everybody's in their nicest clothes (which includes low riders and midriff tees), fur coats are front and center and people drive up in Hummers, Navigators and Escalades, bling-blinging away.

Knowing Hinduism or Hindu Religion

Hindus are concentrated in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka and these places have been the hot spot of this culture since time immemorial. Unlike other religions, Hinduism does not recognize a single prophet and has multitude of gods and goddesses, mythologically numbering at around 30 millions! Such a figure is given in mythology by people of wisdom who have included all such perceptible forms as things of worship, so that man can see god in them and respect the existence of such all forms (plant, animal, stone, sky, stars, soil, water, rain, fellow human being, etc.

Your Focus Determines Your Reality

"Your focus determines your reality", this famous line was spoken by Qui-Gonn Jinn of Start Wars-The Phantom Menace fame.Ok, perhaps it is really infamous and you don't remember that quote.

Union with Christ Unites Us to One Another

Jesus knew He would be abandonedOn the night He was arrested, Jesus knew His disciples would abandon him and scatter. "Scatter" means that not only would they be separated from Him, but also from one another.

Unholy Shadows: Gnosticism

One cannot begin to appreciate the early struggles of Christianity for existence without at least a rudimentary knowledge of its formative history. Thus, it behooves us to take a brief look at Gnosticism and its challenge to early Christianity.

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