Just Been Paid Review

Author: Robert David Fraser

I joined Just Been Paid a little over 2 months ago and am going to provide my honest feedback from the program thus far. In the beginning, I honestly thought "yeah right" as the program was advertised as the "easiest way to earn online!" I ignored the program initially and then after a while gave it a second chance. The second time coming across Just Been Paid I was confused as the layout of the website and the back office.

After doing some research on YouTube, I found some helpful information and went back to my Just Been Paid account and decided to give it a shot. The deal is basically you purchase advertising positions for $10 each and you will earn 150% back on each position purchased. They will basically pay you 1.5-2% daily on your position and will continue on until it has matured giving you $15 back basically.

I originally thought that it was a ponzi scheme to be honest. I still participated in the program while having my doubts. To be honest, Just Been Paid has been forthright on their payouts and claims to be indefinitely sustainable. JBP can be likened to a High Yield Investment Program but has a few parameters in place which allow it to continue on indefinitely.

Ponzi schemes collapse when the new money coming in trickles down or when people who are heavily invested make large withdraws. JBP functions around a traffic exchange and basically what you would be purchasing is advertising credits. JBP is going to set up a traffic exchange in which people can pay to have whatever they want advertised on the website with a definite chance that people will view their website.

Traffic exchanges are a legit way to get your website or business advertised and JBP combines that with daily payout ranging from 1.5-2%. So far, I have had a decent experience with JBP. I would still advise anyone to be careful and cautious when it comes to online programs and their money.

We all want the same things! Whether it be financial freedom or just more time with family and less stress. I feel that Just Been Paid can be a tool to use but as with anything hard work and dedication to a specific goal is the best way to really get what you want. There is no one program that I would swear by and I suggest using that same mentality.

About the Author

If you are looking for an easy way to generate some extra income, then head over to my blog at http://just-been-paid-biz.blogspot.com or on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPU4gCnuNKQ.

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