How To Outwit Overwhelm As An Entrepreneur

By Angel Brown

Being an entrepreneur is one of the world's best opportunities, but it can also be stressful at times. Like when you've got an important client meeting scheduled that you have to cancel because of an emergency trip to the dentist. Or you come down with the flu right before a big conference that you've rented a booth for. Or your return home from vacation gets delayed and you find that you're a day behind in your work ;).

It's times like these that overwhelm can zap your energy, making it even harder to get over the hurdle. So what's a busy entrepreneur to do?

Before you reach the tearing-your-hair-out, ready-to-collapse-with-despair stage, sit down, take several deep breaths, and gather your wits about you. The first step in getting from Point A to Point B is knowing which direction to go, so you need to be rational when plotting your course. You'll be much more effective in accomplishing tasks when you can approach them with a sense of calm.

• Prioritize. First, think about all the things that need to get done, and make a list of them in order of importance. Include everything you can think of: What's causing you stress because it isn't finished? What absolutely must get done first? If you need to, renumber the items so that your list reflects the most important task first and the least important task last.

• Delegate. Next, see if there are items on the list that can be done by someone else--either co-workers, family, or with outside help, such as by using a freelancer. As entrepreneurs, we're usually used to doing everything ourselves, but when we become hopelessly overwhelmed, we have to learn to let go--to let others help us. It's not always easy to give up control, but it's sometimes necessary to save your sanity. Write down next to the task the name or names of a person or people that you can delegate to get that particular task done.

• Delete. Next, look at your list with a critical eye and be brutally honest with yourself: are there things on the list that don't absolutely have to be done? Sometimes, giving yourself permission to NOT do something is just the ticket you need to revitalize yourself. Unloading burdensome chores that aren't mission critical can give you the burst of energy you need to accomplish those tasks that are critical. Scratch through any items on the list that don't absolutely have to get done.

• Re-prioritize. Now look at your list and see which items are still the most important, and which ones you have to do yourself. What needs to get done today or by the end of the week? What needs to get done before the end of the month? Write down the deadlines for getting each task finished.

• Calendaring. Now that you've got your list of tasks that need to be done and their due dates, transfer the information from your list to your desk calendar, Day Timer, or computerized calendar. Whatever method you use to keep track of appointments and such is where you should list your tasks, writing down the task name on the day you need to do it or the date that it's due. Also write down the names of people you'll delegate tasks to and the dates to contact them.

Now you're ready to begin working on projects that are on your calendar today, and you know exactly what needs to be done on a going-forward basis. By organizing your thoughts, delegating and deleting tasks, and committing your schedule to paper (or computer), you can outwit overwhelm. Now all you need to do is the work itself! Time to get to it!

Here's wishing you much success in your endeavors.

Angel Brown is the Founder and President of the Women's Business Gallery (, the ART of business specialists, providing women entrepreneurs and small business owners with the information you need to succeed.

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