How to Tune In Your Brain & Feel Confident with People in Moments

One day when I was in school, many years ago, the school principal wandered into our class room, sat down and started to talk.

He talked and talked; and there was nothing we could do to stop him seeing as how he was in charge!

For once he actually said something that interested me and I never forgot what he said. Not because he was so original but because he was the first person I heard saying it.

That day he spoke about the untapped potential of the human mind and how we are all capable of so much more than we realize.

And how once you learn how to use more of this vast intelligence you can become much more successful.

This distinction has a special significance when it comes to confidence. Because on those days when you are not feeling confident dealing with people the solution to your problems may seem elusive. Even though you are capable of handling the situations you find yourself in.

If you could approach each day with an attitude of demanding more from yourself than anyone else ever would - you would be shocked at what you can achieve. You would be using more of your potential and making great progress.

Silly tasks you have to perform then become stepping stones to something far grander and problems become opportunities for you to grow and impress not only yourself but everyone else around you.

The challenge for you right now comes down to getting started.

Once your engine is running the momentum will keep you going but what do you do if you feel stuck and unable to begin?

You need to learn how to run your brain!

All of that vast potential is not being used because you do not know how to activate it. When you discover how easy it is to become confident with people you will be amazed that something that once seemed so complicated can actually be so simple.

Here is something you can do right now to experience how your mind works.

Think of something you feel confident doing - maybe something you are good at. It does not matter what the activity is. What does matter is that you feel confident when you are doing it.

Now pick a second experience. Something that involves dealing with people. And make sure it is a situation where you have the capability to handle it only your confidence is low.

Now compare how you represent these two experiences in your mind in terms of pictures, sounds and feelings.

Take the second experience and change the way you think about it by giving the picture, sound and feeling the same qualities as the first experience. i.e. picture size and color, sound volume and pitch, intensity of feelings.

Imagine you are tuning in the pictures, sounds and feelings in the same way you would tune in a TV

This is difficult to do the first time you try it but it gets easier with practice.

Why does this process work?

Because the way you represent experiences in your mind determines how you feel. Its like when you watch a scary movie and you heart is pounding even though you are not in danger.

Certain images, certain sounds and a certain atmosphere all combine to change how you feel. However if you changed one key element you would no longer feel scared.

For example if the sound changed to become a high pitched cartoon like voice you might even smile and laugh.

In the context of feeling confident -- when you start to discover how you make yourself feel confident by the way you tune your brain you are on the right track to feeling confident whenever you choose.

When you learn more about peak performance you will be able to do this in a matter of minutes. And go from feeling afraid to feeling energized and confident in moments.

This time spend learning how to run your brain will transform the quality of your life even more quickly than you can imagine.

Enjoy rewiring your brain!

About The Author

Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report: 10 Simple Steps to Developing Communication Confidence. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at:

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