Are You Too Critical?

First of all, criticalness breaks up more relationships, than anything else. And that criticalness is usually over the children or money!

Criticalness can be seen in eyes that slant down.

They notice anything that is out of line and can spot problems and the flaws. Yes, they are naggers, faultfinders. They cause fear in other people. They make people afraid of them.

Your son asks you a question. "What does agile mean?" And right away you tell him his shoe is untied, or his shirt is dirty, or his hair is not combed, and has dandruf. You notice things that are wrong.

Now you have a choice on how you responded to your son. That is the negative choice.

The positive use of being critical is that you see opportunities and advantages in situations. You know what needs to be done. Instead of critizing your son, spouse, or anyone; only use your criticalness when you are paid for it. Keep your criticalness to yourself, until needed. State the criticism as a statement or suggestion.

"Son, agile means flexible. Thanks for asking. And don't forget to tie your shoe, comb hair."

The critical spouse should resist trying to remake partner. Focus on the good in everything first even with children. The critical child must be made to understand the unsolicited criticism will turn people off.

What should you do when you are around someone who is critical?

1 - Get there advice when you need it. They will be glad to give it.

2 - Don't be hurt by unsolicited criticism. That's the way they are. It has nothing to do with whether they like you are not.

3 - Try to take care of things that involve them in order to avoid their criticism.

Now when you see someone with eyes that slant down, you know how they may respond to you, and you to them. Try it and see how you do.

Criticalness is just one personality trait covered in "19 Tips

To Improve Your Relationships." Discover how to approach each person according to their personality. Complete details are at; Kathy Thompson, is a writer, speaker, profiler, who can help you succeed in business and life with Face Reading!

About The Author

With 8 years of teaching and 15 years in Toastmasters, Kathy Thompson really enjoys writing and speaking. She has a B. S. in Business Communications and has taught her programs around the country at various businesses and Adult Education Centers. She writes and speaks about Health, Personal Communications (writing & speaking), and her unique specialty of "Face Reading" has brought her plenty of media attention.

Kathy's goal is to help you be all you can be and reach your potential. Reach her at:;

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