Building a Better Home Gym

If you're looking to get fit and into shape, home gyms may provide the best option if joining a traditional gym isn't feasible.

A personal gym at home will allow for more flexibility in terms of your workout schedule, and if time is tight and you want to include exercise into the busiest of routines, a gym at home is definitely the way to go.

Unfortunately, many people only think of weight and resistance training based multi-gyms when they're considering home gym equipment, but the range of home exercise equipment now available extends to: Rowing Machines • treadmills • ab machines • orbital trainers • elliptical trainer, and much, much more.

This means that in addition to improving muscle mass and tone, you can now have a fat burning cardiovascular workout in the comfort of your own home, whenever it suits you best, perhaps even in front of your TV.

Plan your home gym carefully

Think of the type of workout you'd like, the areas of your body and overall fitness you want to work on.

Next, have a look at the space you have to set up your equipment. It could be an area as small as a section of a spare room to an entire basement or garage. These factors will dictate the types of fitness products are best suited to your goals.

At the very minimum you could get a few pairs of dumbbells to do resistance training, an exercise ball to do some great abdominal exercises, and a jump rope to get your cardiovascular or fat burning exercises in.

The next consideration is cost. Only purchase good quality home exercise equipment; the best you can afford for your specific needs. Doing so may be expensive, but it's a worthwhile investment for both safety, as well as the long term financial benefits associated with less maintenance costs.

I asked my team to compile a few links to help you quickly find the best prices on home gym equipment - here's a free list of discounted prices.

A normal cost to outfit your home might be compared to a two year traditional gym membership. With this amount of money, it's vital you choose your fitness products wisely. Only buy from reputable, specialist manufacturers.

Do your homework before you buy.

Take advice about your purchase from fitness experts, health and fitness magazines and website reviews or another relevant consumer based source.

Most home exercise equipment will come with a 30-day money back guarantee, so don't be afraid to try the equipment that will build your Home Gyms before you commit.

Give them a run for their money to ensure that you invest in the right equipment for you. If they're not right for you, send them back and continue the hunt for the perfect machine.

Once built, be disciplined and use your home gym regularly and safely.

Keep it well maintained and you'll see fantastic results in no time at all, all in the comfort and convenience of your own home.

BTW: As you may know much of the information I supply my readers is taken directly from questions that they send to my office. If you would like me to address a specific question in an upcoming newsletter or in one of my teleseminars, simply go to:

© 2002-2005 Wisdom Books, LLC & Christopher Guerriero WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this blurb with it: Christopher Guerriero, is the founder of the National Metabolic & Longevity Research Center and a best-selling author, speaker, and coach to millions. He is creator of the award-winning 'Maximize Your Metabolism' system. To learn more about this step-by-step program, and to sign up for FR*EE how-to articles and F.REE teleseminars, visit

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