Ebook Review: How To Write And Publish Your Own eBook In As Little As 7 Days

Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale who are both well known in the Internet online industry wrote this eBook. The 2004 version of this book is 206 pages long though it should be mentioned that less than 100 pages are concentrated on the theme of the eBook whereas the rest of the eBook involves interviews with various successful eBook authors (in the eyes of Edwards and Vitale) and bonus reports.

I believe that Edwards and Vitale were wrong to follow this approach since when one tries to overkill with respect to information, the result is opposite to the one intended since the reader may be confused even more and in my opinion the eBook would have been more effective if it was shorter and did not include the interviews with these authors whose approaches were different. Perhaps Vitale and Edwards should have sold the interviews by the eBook experts as a separate eBook.

The 7-day eBook was written in an unorthodox style in that it was written in a "chatty" style rather than in a formal manner. To be fair to the authors this did help in maintaining the interest of the reader.

The content of the eBook contained some very useful aspects such as:

  • Distinguishing between a successful and failure formula for an eBook.

  • Tips for selecting a topic for an eBook

  • How to write the eBook in 7 days - though I think this target may be ambitious in practice the methodology mentioned by the authors is worth considering.

  • Various tips on how to publish the eBook.
The price of the eBook is in my opinion reasonable value considering the money that can be saved by reading this eBook and the valuable links that can be obtained from the eBook. But I felt at times that the authors over elaborated and could have been more concise in their writing.

Overall I believe that a purchase of the eBook for a price under $30 is worth buying despite its limitations.

About The Author

Andy George is a qualified chartered accountant who was born in Birmingham, England and who has had many years' experience in public practice, industry, and commerce and as a lecturer. Since 1991 he has been based in the island of Cyprus. Andy was a financial correspondent for eight years at the Cyprus Financial Mirror where he wrote articles on business and accounting related issues to a non-technical audience.

He is the author of eBooks: How to write and Publish Your Own With a Shoestring Budget http://www.budgetebook.com


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