Book Review Information

Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office 101 - A Book Summary

Dr. Frankel clearly identifies the common mistakes -101 in all-that women commit unconsciously to sabotage their careers.

Execution - A Book Summary

You've got the bright ideas and the smart people, and the market is just ready for you. But why hasn't your business taken off as you predicted? Maybe the problem is in your execution.

Turbo Strategy - A Book Summary

Businesses are run mostly on auto-pilot and any problem areas are only dealt with when they are already critical, but by then it may already be too late. Most business managers are too busy with the day-to-day work to sit back and look at the business critically in terms of its context and the direction it is going.

Primal Leadership - A Book Summary

Primal leadership takes center stage in this book. This concept goes beyond the set of conventional competencies on the making of a leader.

Ideas Are Free - A Book Summary

Without great ideas, no organization can stay afloat, much less flourish. Managers and top executives are constantly struggling to come up with big ones - creative marketing strategies, ingenious cost-cutting schemes and other corporate solutions that will save time and money and improve productivity.

The Oz Principle - A Book Summary

In The Oz Principle, Connors, Smith, and Hickman brilliantly use the analogy of "The Wizard of Oz" to discuss a business philosophy aimed in propelling individuals and organizations to overcome unfavorable circumstances and achieve desired results. This philosophy can be encompassed in one word: ACCOUNTABILITY.

Profitable Growth Is Everyones Business - A Book Summary

The days of ruthless downsizing and drastic cost cutting are long gone. Nowadays, companies have realized that the best way to earn profit is only through growth - profitable growth.

Gilleland Poetry - Storoems and Poems - Review

"Retired professor of Microbiology, Harry Gilleland certainly has a variety of experiences and thought-provoking insights to share in his latest poetry book, Gilleland Poetry - Storoems and Poems. Harry's poetry has appeared at numerous establishments over the years and he has authored three books to date.

The Wal-Mart Decade - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

The Wal-Mart Decade: How a New Generation of Leaders Turned Sam Walton's Legacy into the World's #1 Company was destined for publication. It was simply a matter of when it would be written and by whom.

Kmarts Ten Deadly Sins - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

Kmart's Ten Deadly Sins: How Incompetence Tainted an American Icon was begging to be written. It probably would have surfaced much earlier if not for the fear of many authors that publishing too soon would result in the omission of who knows how many future bewildering tactics by the forever transforming retail giant, K-mart.

The Leadership Pill - AchieveMax® Top Ten Book Review

The Leadership Pill is another volume for those of you anxious to add to your library of "mini-books." Ken Blanchard, a veritable self-help book-writing machine, partners with co-author Marc Muchnick to create this 112-page parable that every leader will want to read and share with those he/she mentors.

Hard Candy, Nobody Ever Flies over the Cuckoo's Nest; Book Review

HARD CANDY: Nobody Ever Flies over the Cuckoo's Nest; Written by Charles A. Carroll is a must read.

Job Interview Answers

Last week I found an interesting book called Ultimate Guide To Job Interview Answers. Having myself hired many people I was intrigued what the book had to offer.

Going Deeper - Book Review

Going Deeper by Jean-Claude Koven is certainly a nicely presented, hard-cover book. This fiction fantasy has an obvious inclination to aid readers who are embarking on their personal spiritual quest.

Bob the Dragon Slayer - Book Review

This very fun, exciting, fast-paced, warm novella - Bob the Dragon Slayer by Harry E. Gilleland Jr.

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