E-books in Your Life

E-Books are making a big impact in the way we read, write and use books. There is nothing holding back an expert with years of experience on a particular field to write about all the ins and outs, trade secrets, strengths and weaknesses of the industry.

Consider Colm Dillon, the author of "Unique Real Estate Development Method!" (http://business.marc8.com/ebook-info.php/name/unique_real_estate_development_method/toc_id/6-0-2-8/). He has 30 years and $1.2 Billion worth of professional real estate development experience. Dillon wrote his book purely from experience and practical usage. His eBook is now selling in 63 countries and directly available on the Internet.

More and more shoppers are now buying books online. If you purchase a physical book that you have been dying to get your hands on you still have to wait for shipping and delivery before you can start reading. With E-Books you get instant delivery 24x7. No more waiting and watching the clock. While the inspiration and interest is hot, you get to download your favorite business book and start reading away.

Imagine, discovering an E-Book called "Business Plans" (http://business.marc8.com/ebook-info.php/name/business_plans/toc_id/1-0-1-6/) at 11.30 pm, decided to buy and download the book at 12.05 am, finished reading it by 2.00 am. The 10 o'clock meeting next morning, and you are already a guru on Business Plans and opportunities to lead your company to new frontiers.

And that E-Book is very easy to share with your spouse or friend, just email it. The E-book will never wear out for millions of years to come. Hundreds of thousands of E-Books can be carried in the palm of your hand no matter where you go in a flash-drive or portable disk.

E-Books are the new media for traditional physical books, but are E-Books here to stay? Consider Joe Vitale, author of numerous successful E-Books and more recently famous for "Attractor Factor" (http://business.marc8.com/book-info.php/name/the_attractor_factor_5_easy_steps_for_creating_wealth_or/toc_id/1-0-2-1/) which has already outsold Harry Potter as #1 bestseller twice in two weeks. E-books are carving the path for many talented authors around the world. E-books are not only here to stay but also becoming very popular.

Sanjib Ahmad is a Product Consultant for Business.Marc8.com - Business Best Sellers.

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