Book Marketing Information

Interview with Book and Marketing Coach-Judy Cullins - Part 2

To know what to do at the right time in book writing, publishing, or internet marketing, consult a coaching expert who has lived it all for 20 years--Judy Cullins. Part one of this article is available at http://www.

Why Testimonials are Number One in Selling your Book or Service

Even if your book or service is excellent, they won't sell well unless you give your potential customers a reason to buy. Testimonials work harder than other promotional words, so be sure to start early collecting them.

Secrets to Selling Books by Mail

This is intended for informational purposes only. Selling books by mail is one of the "ideal" spare-time business ventures that can be operated from your home, and with minimal investment.

Increase Book Sales: At Book Fairs, Festivals and Trade Shows

Play a bigger game with your book sales by expanding your audiences at local or nonlocal book fairs, festivals or trade shows. Can't afford a booth or table, rent a space on someone else's table and volunteer to be back for their book.

Increase Book Sales: When a Sale Is No Longer Just a Sale

Do you have books sitting in your garage that you haven'tsold yet and looking for ways to move them? Then you willwant to know about these five outrageous ideas that aren'tdifficult and can be just plain out fun. Dede Hall, author of The Starving Student's Cookbook hadvery poor sales for her books.

Make Big Profits from Small Booklets

What is your excuse for not being published? "I don't know enough to fill a book." "I don't have time to write a whole book.

Promote Your Books on Talk Shows and Make More Money

Successful authors are convinced that radio interviews are the very best way to reach large audiences and publicize their books. Interviews give authors an opportunity to expound on the topic of their book and disclose personal feelings.

Book Signing: Fun and Profit for Writers and Readers

Have you ever walked into a bookstore when an author is scheduled to do a book signing and found no one in the audience? Do you shy away from autograph tables, perhaps fearing that someone may ask you to buy a book? Consider the other side of the equation. A book signing is an opportunity to learn about the author and what makes a person undertake the challenge of writing a book.

Book Signing for Experts

Think of your book on the bookstore shelf trying to attract the attention of potential new owners. Crammed together with hundreds of other books, only the spine visible to the roving eyes of readers, your book needs a little help from its creator.

Comments From A Book Reviewer

For the past several years I have been reviewing books for my own site,, as well as many other sites.

Why Writers Dont Do a Book Signing

Whenever someone suggests you do a book signing and you do not want to, here are five reasons you can give them:1) It's not worth the time; there's not enough money in it.2) Speaking is where the money is.

FAQs about Book Signings

Since I self-published my first book, "101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly," in 1998 and began doing book signings shortly afterward, many people have asked:1. What do you get paid to do a book signing?It depends on where the book signing occurs.

Book Events - Make Yours Successful

A book event (a book signing) is a popular way for authorsto create awareness for their work. Most large publishinghouses require authors to participate in a 10-city booktour, at the minimum.

Do You Long To See Your Books Published And Selling From The Major Chains?

To have your work accepted for hard copy publication is a thrilling achievement but to have it bomb at the bookstores is to see your reputation go down the tubes simultaneously.And so to avoid this unpleasant scenario, I have developed over the years a series of 160 vital steps; steps that not only get my books published and into the major chains but selling online and offline as bestsellers in their genre.

Raise Your Hand If Youd Consider Giving Up The Rights To Your Book Forever

If Random House pulls up to your house with a U-haul filled with millions and wants to buy your book, maybe you'd consider giving up the rights forever. But, let's come back to the real world.

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