Why Writers Dont Do a Book Signing

Whenever someone suggests you do a book signing and you do not want to, here are five reasons you can give them:

1) It's not worth the time; there's not enough money in it.

2) Speaking is where the money is.

3) You have more important things to do.

4) When you do a book-signing, maybe nobody will show up andyou'll feel foolish sitting there all alone.

5) There are other ways to sell books.

Then,again, there are five good reasons why all authorsshould do a book signing and a book-signing tour.

By conducting a book-signing you will:

1. Gain recognition. When you do a book signing in abookstore, you will be interacting with the people who sellyour books to the general public. It's an opportunity todevelop a rapport with them, tell them about the book, andconvince them that you are an expert on the subject. Thenwhen someone asks for a book on your topic, they are likelyto recommend yours. Don't settle for bookstores. Look forplaces where readers of your book are likely to gather andschedule an event there. That place might be a store, craftshop, pro shop, spa, festival, or health care center. Dosome brainstorming with your staff and friends.

2. Gather input from readers. When you step into thebook-signing arena, you have an opportunity to interact withreaders. You are the center of attraction, since you are theauthor/expert. By providing a mini-seminar or discussion,you give a sneak preview of your book and your expertise.Add a question and answer segment and you will learn whatinterests the readers most. It may be the beginning of asequel.

3. Have an event that is newsworthy and gather clippings for yourscrapbook and poster board. Book signings provide an eventthat is newsworthy. This is especially valuable if you arenot yet a celebrity. Celebrities do book signings forprimarily the same reasons emerging authors do, anopportunity to be noticed and quoted and appear in themedia. Gather comments of those who have already readyour book and can post them, with permission, until youget print media coverage to add to your display. Peopleare very interested in knowing what other people think ofyour work. Create a foam board for publicity. Place on itreviews, readers' comments, excerpts from your book, andyour photo. Stand the board on the autograph table on aneasel so that passersby can see it prior to your signing.

4. Conduct media interviews. The most successful booksignings have the most publicity. Since your schedule isgenerally set up at least six weeks in advance, you havetime to approach radio talk show hosts and producers,television stations, and newspapers to let them know thatyou will be in their city. A well-thought out Media Releaseis a must. It should contain information about the book, theauthor, and the event.

5. Expand your contact list. Book signings are a great wayto expand your mailing list. Use a sheet of paper on theautograph table with column headings like: Name, Emailaddress, Phone number. Usually, the less information yourequest, the more names you will collect. You can get moreinformation as you develop a relationship with theseindividuals. It is a good idea to provide something free,such as a bookmark, with a quote from the book and yourcontact information on it.

Add the adventure of book signing and book-signing tours to your marketing list to create memorable moments that far exceed routine marketing methods.

Jo Condrill has conducted book signings acrodd the US, including one in the Barnes and Noble store in Rockefeller Center, New York. Her longest book signing tour covered twelve cities. She is the coauthor of two books: "From Book Signing to Best Seller: An Insider's Guide to Conducting a Successful Low-Cost Book Signing Tour" and "101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly." She also wrote "Take Charge of Your Life: Dare to Pursue Your Dreams." You can listen to a book signing interview with Jo at http://www.jackstreet.com/jackstreet/rr.condrill.cfm For more information visit her website at http://www.publishandprosper.com http://www.publishandprosper.com

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