Looking to Sell Your Book for a Good Price?

Many self-publishing authors plan on eventually selling theirbook to a large publisher at a good price. The fast track way toachieve this goal is to push up the market value of a book with apush v. pull strategy. This article shows you how to do exactlythat, using a simple Internet strategy that any self-publishercan afford.


Books with push like Harry Potter push customers through thedoors, and the registers go kachink, kachink. With self-published titles, booksellers must pull customers through thedoor and that costs money. Put yourself in their shoes. Givingpreference to books with built-in push makes sense.

Remember this formula: push stacks chips on your side of thebargaining table and pull sweeps them away. With a transferableInternet presence strategy, you can stack chips to the ceilingjust like the big boys do.


The push is on with major publishers to build market value fortheir intellectual properties with the Digital Object Identifier(DOI) system.

A DOI is a permanent Internet address for your book. No matterhow many times ownership of a book changes hands, the DOIInternet address is permanently bound to the book, just astightly as the binding. This is why hundreds of big publishershave registered over 16 million intellectual properties with theDOI system with millions more on the way.

Who fueled the creation of the DOI system? Computer experts?No. From a market asset valuation standpoint, that makes as muchas sense as going to a Sushi Chef for a vasectomy. (Better idea- get the Sushi afterwards!)

Rather, it was senior publishing executives and their financialgurus who pushed for the creation of the DOI system. When yousit down at the bargaining table with a DOI, you'll be talkingtheir language.


The Internet is like an elephant, it remembers everything and itcan remember a lot! You can always include your email address oryour web site address but these things point to a businessidentity - not the work, itself.

Use the same DOI on every web page, ezine article, review, blogpost, etc. and it becomes a 24/7 market value builder thatfollows the work. If something changes, like your email or website address, one simple update is all it takes. No moreannoying "page not found" or "no such e-mail recipient" errors.

Use your DOI the right way, and every little stitch of webpresence marketing you've done becomes one more chip onbargaining table. Remember, the big guys speak DOI.


Getting good book reviews is so miserably hard these days,especially for self-published authors. What if your book finallygets that fabulous review you've hoped for long afterpublication? Will it be orphaned from the book marketinginformation you've already published on the Internet? No.

One quick update of your DOI and everything that it references onthe Internet will immediately begin broadcasting your fabulousreview to the online world.


Each day, try to add more market value to your book. A blog posthere, an ezine article there. These things cost nothing, and yetthey can push huge amounts of sales-generating traffic at yourbook.

As a self-published author, you've got to keep your eyes on whatthe big guys are doing, and when you can emulate them on thecheap, you do it!


The best time to register your DOI is after your books areavailable for purchase on Amazon.com and other online booksellersites. This way, you can create menu options in your DOI thatlink to online bookseller pages for immediate sales results.

Be sure to ask your publisher or vanity press if they offer a DOIservice. One that does is Your Own World Books (Yowbooks.com).Their Author Advantage program includes a transferable DOI.

If your publisher does not offer a DOI service, that's OK. Asthe copyright holder, you can register your DOI with anindependent DOI hosting service like DOIeasylink.NET. The annualcost of a DOI is comparable to one-month web site hosting fee.Plus, you get a 1-page Internet response page and descriptivemenus with multiple Internet links.


If you remember only one thing from this article, let it be this.Think like the big boys. Use this strategy to add more marketvalue by continually broadcasting information on the Internetwith your DOI. Eventually, you'll hit critical mass. Peoplewill buy your book, and large publishers will see this and beimpressed!

Free Publishing Guidelines: You have permission to publish thisarticle electronically or in print, free of charge, as long asthe bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publicationwould be appreciated.

DOIeasylink.NET: We Add Value to Your Book- Learn More: http://doieasylink.net- http://dx.doi.org/10.2122/doieasylink- Marshall Masters, President- http://dx.doi.org/10.1572/marshall.masters

Marshall Masters is a publisher, self-published author, radiopersonality and Internet technologist. His published titlesinclude Godschild Covenant: Return of Nibiru, Gold Fever, Indigo-E.T. Connection, and Orange Blossom. He founded DOIeasylink.NETto make the DOI system available to self-publishers and smallpresses. Drawing upon his decades of consulting experience withnotable firms such as AT&T, Oracle, HP, Lockheed and SunMicrosystems, he created a simple, affordable DOI solution forself-publishers and small presses.

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