Blog Your Affiliate Links

Blogging is a relatively new form of communication, closely related to the newsletters of days long past. Your thoughts, ideas, and activities are posted for the world (or a chosen few) to view, and if you choose to include the option, leave a comment. By creating a Blog and adding to it every day or relatively often, you create in your reader a desire to see "what was said next". They will return to read what you post next. Particularly, if what you posted the first time is interesting, valuable information, presented in a manner that is fun to read. A few ideas to get you off and running with your informational Blog, might include: travel, a new baby, planning your wedding, building a new business, working with your clients, developing a new product, counting your blessings, or ideas you are interested in sharing.

No matter what topic you choose, if you goal is to create an unending stream of income, generated by your Blog site, through promoting products, sites, and opportunities to visitors such as yourself. This book will help you attain your goal.

An alternative to the news filled Blog, which includes entries on a regular, or daily basis, is the Informational Blog. An Informational Blog is a site where information is presented on the one page format, along with any advertising you wish to include, and the content is so intense that it draws people back time and time again to reuse the site. Informational Blogs can be as long or short as you wish. Informational advertising links run down either side of the page, promoting topics similar to the one you are writing about.

These Blogs are chock full of information, links, ads, and ideas that promote the content or purpose of the Blog. A Blog of this type will run on "Auto-Pilot" for many weeks at a time, just earning you money, while you go out and play with the kidlets, take a vacation, or build a "real" business on the side.

A website could be likened to a store front where many objects are available over a long period of time, while a blog is more along the lines of a daily paper tossed out with new information daily. Websites have many pages with various kinds of information you might find if you were talking to the proprietor of a business. While a blog promotes primarily thoughts and ideas to share; a website offers product, reliable content, data, information, and projects that interact and supplement the site.

A website introduces you to the company, brings you specific information about the company and its owners, including their resume, a mission statement, various resources, links to fellow companies, and information about the company you are visiting. This creates a cozy place for you to do business online. The concept is simple, "Invite the customer in, show them what they want, teach them to use it, close the sale, and you have money in your pocket."

Occasionally, a website comes along that is so compelling that people just want to stay there and click on alternate links until they know everything about the site. This is the site you want to own. It will bring you income, provide information to your client, and it will bring them back.

To create this kind of site you have to be interested enough in the topic to research it well, write compelling information, and locate links to affiliates closely enough related to the topic to interest your reader. Some of the more interesting sites I've viewed are written by people who love what they do, do it very well, and choose to share their experience with the reader. Many of these are not professionally written, but are well put together with a combination of information, usually created by a developer/writer who puts the right words with the information to draw in the reader and motivate them to get involved in the site. (Copywriters are readily available if you are not able to write your own site.)

If you have a desktop or a laptop computer with Internet access, there is no reason why you cannot build a profitable Blog or website of your own. You too, can be a successful Internet Entrepreneur.

It costs nothing to own your own website or blog. There is no secret. It is simple. Clicks on your site to affiliate links earn you bucks.

Copyright (c) 2005 - Jan Verhoeff

(An Exerpt from Jan's Book "Master the Affiliate Opportunity" to be released July 25, 2005)

Jan Verhoeff combines 27 years of service in the Free Enterprise domain and a lifetime of education in business development to bring expertise and understanding of basic business principles to new business owners. An expert in the field of business development, Jan presents conceptual information through publications, live presentations, and Power Launch, a weekly live conference chat for business developers. For more information see her site at:

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