For Wordpress users version 1.5 new feature "Pages"

After many requests from wordpress users, the latest version of wordpress has a build in option to create static pages. You can use static pages for an about page, contact page, a links page, etc. This dreamhost review page is an example of a stand alone static page. The advantages are that you can add stand alone content to its own page, outside the normal weblog hierarchy. Pages have the same editing options, plug-in functionality and themes as posts. Or you can customize the stand alone page as much as you want. Static pages also help search engine indexing, as opposed to dynamic urls.

The comprehensive overview and instructions are on the wordpress codex "pages" page.

"A Note on Nomenclature

A page can be static or dynamic. Static pages are those which have been created once and do not have to be regenerated every time a person visits it. In contrast, dynamic pages do need to be regenerated every time they are viewed; code for what to generate has been specified by the author, but not the actual page itself. These use extensive PHP code which is evaluated each time the page is visited, and the content is thus generated on the fly, upon each new visit."


This article is perfect for a quick blog post. The byline need not be included. Please publish this article as is, including all links.

Byline- Ron Robinson maintains a personal weblog about science fiction writing and a Weblog about profitable online publishing.

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