Breaking News: The Answer May Not Be In The Infomercial Financial Course

The other night, leg cramps kept me up at night so I found myselfwatching these various couples discuss their success over buyinga Real Estate course in this infomercial, at 2AM.

The evidence that people are purchasing these "Sudden Wealth"programs are right there on the television screen in front of me.

After all, the advertisers of these "Complete Kits"would not otherwise continue to pay for this advertisingwithout continuous customers.

I'm not necessarily trying to say to you that it's _always_a bad idea to call that 800 number and order.

... However, if you have a subtle, but conflictingdialog in your head while dialing the numbers on thephone...

- in other words, if you are going against your instincts -

.. then you are probably reinforcing one of the followingbeliefs, unconsciously, by being the willing consumer:

Belief #1. I am not "plugged in" enough to this Universe to everreceive just the right Avenue for my wealth, one thatsuits *me*. Things just don't work out for me thatway, so I will force a solution by buying into this.

( can you guess how possibly unhappy someone's external circum-stances would be, with this belief? Guess what? If you exist,than you Are plugged in!)

Belief #2 "My Wealth is decided by External Forces, and thisInstant-Cash marketer on the screen looks like he'sgot 'Inside Information' on these external forces,so I'd better get in on this."

Belief #3 "If I don't buy this program, than it means that I'mprobably passing up on the incredible lifestyle Isee in the background" - the infomercial sponsorsprobably assume a mostly male audience, because themost prominent "props" are the young, attractivewomen on a boat - which I'm not complaining about.

Other than reinforcing limiting beliefs, this kind of "AimlesslyGrasping outward", for solutions of getting more money is an example of

- Backward Thinking -

at least to me - and I'll explain why I think this is the case..

The *only* thing worth spending your investment of emotionaland thought energy is:

What does *your* Ideal Life look like, from the time you get up inthe morning, to WHO you are with, WHAT you might doing,WHERE you live, etc..?

Those ancient, and not so ancient writers such as Wallace Wattles,Charles Fillmore, Neville Goddard who wrote aboutUniversal Principles, such as the Law of Attraction,truly led the way on how to Radiate the proper emotionalizedthoughts!


"Assume the Feeling of the Wish Fulfilled." - Neville

It's a simple habit to get into - but not necessarily easy -to Visualize with Feeling a picture of what your ideal life is,on a daily basis.

I say "Not Easy", because: We put so much importanceon our current physical reality.

Wallace Wattles said that this is the hardest work for us toto do ...

We DO need to dwell on - with our thoughts - What we desirevsReinforcing (with our attention), the External appearances

Besides doing your best to visualize daily and with Feeling,also, I've found through a lot of reading, and applicationof these concepts gleaned from my reading, thatLife gives you nice bonuses when you simply:

=> Do something you Love doing Just for the Joy it gives you

More Resources

Finders Keepers
Do you remember your younger years when you and your friends played all sorts of fun games all day long? I'm sure you do. If there is one thing children know how to do, they know how to have fun.
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Appreciating and Communicating Your Value
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The Manifestations Of Self
A man is captive within himself. He dwells in a freedom which is confirmed to bounds, he breathes in an ambience ensnared to limits, he nurtures a shriveled valiance with the quaint promises of trepidation, he is infinite to his content and eternal only to his perception.
Your Authentic Self
Our journey through life can lead us to surprising and unexpected destinations. Life as in nature has no straight lines.
7 Simple Tips For Cultivating Tons Of Confidence
Confidence without competence is a dangerous combination. Make it easy for yourself and only engage in Self comparison when you are assessing your progress.
A Look In The Mirror
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Your Gut Instincts & Ability to Get Along Quiz
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Attract Your Ideal Relationship Using the Law of Attraction
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A Sweep of Vanity: How To Burst Your Own Bubble
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Our Fascination with Pop Culture and What It Says About Us
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What Next?
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Manifest Your Desires Using Natural Hypnosis
Seth, the very high level, spiritual teacher and guide channeled many years ago by Jane Roberts, impressed me with his great wisdom and I started applying his exercises and concepts as soon as I discovered his books. One of the exercises I practiced and loved was his natural hypnosis exercise.
My Assignment ... If You Didnt Create It, Then Its Not Yours!
Life consists of lessons. Living is continual learning.

More Attraction Information:

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