Visualization For Self Healing

Visualization and guided imagery are two of the mostpowerful healing powers of your mind. All you needto do is use your imagination for some astonishingresults.

Please note, it is never advisable to rely only onthis method for curing your ailments. Continue withyour doctor's treatments until he/she tells you thatthey are no longer needed. Visualization can greatlyspeed up your recovery and shorten your recoveryperiod.

With visualization you heal yourself by creating strongpictures in your mind of what you want the outcometo be. Then you believe or pretend that those picturesare the absolute truth.

This process can be used for anything, such as increasingyour income or receiving desired material possessions, butfor this article I will use healing as an example. You can adjust your visualizations for other things using theseguidelines.

Take at least 20 minutes a day (two to three times a dayfor any serious illnesses) and sit or lay down. Close your eyes and get yourself into a relaxed state by taking three deep breaths. Feel that all thoughts and tensions are being released from your body. Visualize clear, pure energy entering the top of your head and slowly moving down through your whole body.

With each inhale, feel and see the pure healing energy get brighter. With each exhale see all sickness and disease being expelled from your body as air or smoke and disappearing off into the universe. Continue for several more minutes or as long as you want. If you have a certain area of your body that is diseased, you can put your focus there and see the illness turning to smoke and disappearing.

Another type of visualization that works well with healing is to imagine something taking the disease away. For example, if it's cancer that you want to get rid off, imagine birds flying into your body at the site of the cancer and pecking away at it until it is completely gone. Or laser beams shooting into your body and burning the cancer up. Another good visualization is to imagine a waterfalls above your head. The water is entering your head and washing all the disease away out through your toes. Use your imagination and come up with ideasthat feel right for you.

Now you will use your imagination to see the end result. Picture yourself as completely healed. Feel how strong you are. See yourself doing all the things you love to do as you are now once again in perfect health. Hear the sounds around you, smell the air and fragrances, taste the delicious foods that you are enjoying. Use all your senses to perceive a healthy you enjoying your life to the fullest.

You can also use this method to manifest better relationships, better jobs, money, anything at all. The key is to visualize in great detail what your want until you feel in your mind that you already possess it. Do this everyday and do not concern yourself at all about how or when your goal will come. Just be certain that the energy of the universe will begin moving to bring it to you.

This has been proven by modern physics and is called the "observer effect". Your attention and intention to something causes it to come into your life.

There were those through the ages that already knew of this wonderful power long before modern physics.For example:

Charles F. Hannel - "The Master Key System""The secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.All power is from within, and is absolutely under your control; it comes through exact knowledge and by thevoluntary exercises of exact principles."

Jesus Christ

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them."


"If we can conceive it, and we can believe it, then we can achieve it."

Deepak Chopra"Within every desire is the mechanics of its fulfillment."

James Allen

"The aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man's being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life."

I have heard some amazing stories of people who helpedto heal themselves using these methods. Even their doctorswere astonished. It has been well documented that thosewho use visualization, prayer and positive attitudes recovermuch more quickly than those who don't. So it sure doesn't hurt to give these methods a try. It could save your life.

To your success.

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