Setting Affiliate Marketing Goals - The 4 Pillars Of Goal Setting In Affiliate Marketing

Having clear goals can be very motivating. In addition, it is fun setting goals.

It gives you an opportunity to dream and visualize a better tomorrow. In fact, I would go as far as saying that if you cannot dream about achieving success you will not be able to achieve it.

Look around you. Everywhere you look you find objects. Objects that someone once dreamed about creating. The legendary Martin Luther King started one of his famous speeches by saying "I have a dream..."

It is important to have a dream (not only an idea) and by setting goals you will be taking the first step towards realizing your dreams.

The Four Pillars Of Successful Goal Setting:

1. Goals Should Be In Writing

You need to write your goals down. Doesn't matter if you write them on a piece of paper or type them on your computer. They need to be in writing!

Tip: Formulate a vision of your future, in the present tense, as if you are already there. For example, "I have a BMW..." and not "I want to have a new car" or "I would like a BMW"

By saying "I want...", "I need...", "I like..." you are not actually setting goals. You are simply stating your needs and wants, and you will feel more needy and unfulfilled in the process. While it is important to dream one should formulate goals in the present tense, thereby reprogramming your subconscious mind into believing that it is actually possible to realize your goals.

2. Be Specific

The more specific you are the more genuine your goals will be, to yourself! For example, don't only say "I drive a BMW". You need to be more clear than that. Say "I own a dark blue 2007 BMW 530i with black leather seats, automatic sun roof and CD shuttle, with less than 5000 miles on the clock..."

3. Think Big, BUT Be Realistic!

You need to set high, but achievable goals. If you are currently earning $1,000 per month don't limit yourself by only setting a goal of earning $1,100 per month. You need to aim high.

About 25 years ago one of my school teachers said "Aim for the clouds and maybe you will hit the ceiling" I have never forgotten that advice. However, he was only half right...

You need to aim high but it must be reasonably possible to achieve. Setting a goal of earning $1 million per month when you are only earning $1,000 per month does not seem reasonable...

Rather set a goal of earning $3,000 per month. You can (and should) always aim higher when you achieve it. Setting an unrealistic goal that you will have trouble believing in will only end up discouraging you!

4. Goals Should Always Be Measurable

Having a goal, such as achieving financial freedom, is nothing more than a wish. What is financial freedom? What does it really mean? Does it mean you are earning more money than you know what to do with? Does it mean you can retire?

You must be able to determine when you have accomplished your goal. There should not be any room for doubt. Either you achieve it or you don't. There is no such thing as "maybe".

Timing plays a major role. Without setting a clear timetable you will not be under any pressure to take action. It will simply be too easy to say "I am going to wait until next week..." Before you know it, next week will be next month...

To summarize: Think big, but be realistic, and set very clear and measurable goals that should be achieved by a specific date in the future. Goals that will make your dreams come true.

Take small bites at a time

Split some of your major goals into sub-goals. Whenever possible, take a long-term goal that should be achieved in say three years and formulate it as well based on yearly, monthly and even daily sub-goals.

Example: Assume you are currently earning $1,000 per month and your goal is to earn an additional $2,000 per month within exactly 12 months, working part-time doing affiliate marketing. One year is a long time.

You are not going to be earning $2,000 extra per month from one day to another. No, it is a process and you need to start today.

Most affiliate marketers start small. They start by earning small little commission checks that gradually increase as they learn, gain experience and really start believing in what they are doing.

$24,000 per year ($2,000 per month) gives you an average of $461.54 per week over 52 weeks or $65.93 per day during a seven day week. Based on this, a goal of earning an extra $2,000 per month within 12 months means earning an extra $65.93 per day, every single day.

Granted you will earn more on some days than others. There will even be days where you earn absolutely nothing. However, by splitting a 12 month goal into monthly and daily sub-goals you create a sense of urgency.

Remember, your goal is to achieve an extra $2,000 in 12 months time, meaning you do not have to be earning an extra $65.93 per day immediately. However, you need to work towards this goal.

It always helps to have daily monetary goals

Even if you do not earn any money on a specific day you should be able to honestly answer that you have put in an effort on that day that is directly related and beneficial to your long-term goal.

The question you need to ask yourself every morning is "What do I need to do today to ensure that I achieve my long-term goals" and every evening "What have I done today that will ensure me realizing my long-term goals".

You see, your daily actions are directly related to you achieving your goals.

It may sound logical and obvious, but by listening to other people explaining what they have done on a specific day I often understand why they do not move forward financially.

Without doing this it is easy to procrastinate and to waste time on tasks that are not going to help you achieve your long-term goals.

The actions you take today can lead to a nice long-term income. But, you need to know what and how many seeds you should sow every day to get the harvest you are anticipating.

There is nothing wrong working only five days a week. Hey, there is nothing wrong working only two hours a week. Just remember to adjust your goals accordingly...

Goals are not cast in stone

Circumstances change. You may get a huge promotion at work at decide to only do internet marketing as a hobby. You may consider earning $200 extra per month from your "hobby" as great.

On the other hand, you may decide that you enjoy internet marketing so much that you would like to do it full-time. Should this be the case you may need to increase your goals drastically, and the number of hours you spend on building your internet marketing business.

It is ok to be flexible. However, don't change goals like you change underwear or your goals will become meaningless.

Make a point of reading your goals every single day, preferable twice a day, in the morning as well as the evening. Being goal orientated will help you to stay focused.

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