3 Ways to Squeeze Even More Revenue Out of Your Traffic Equaliser Pages

Ever wondered if, apart from Google Adsense, there were other ways of generating real revenues from Traffic Equaliser pages.

There has been some great results using the above two programs, running Google Adsense results on page as a fast way to drive

revenues on a huge number of boiler plate pages. You can literally build a 1,000 page site in minutes. If you haven't heard of Traffic Equalizer then check it out here ==>> www.TrafficEqualizer.com

A Force Multiplier Effect is a military term for attacking the enemy in more that one way, if fact in multiple ways. We are going to take this strategy and apply it to affiliate marketing using Traffic Equalizer.

The first thing to remember is the user is NOT the Enemy! In fact, this scenario, you don't have any enemies!


What would happen if you stop getting the click throughs or even worse, Google pulls down the site. Remember Google Adsense is not to be used on pages built specifically for Google Adsense.

I hope that made sense!

How do you stop Google from pulling your Traffic Equalizer site?

Well one thing is to make it more useful to the end user. Include other content that is useful and adds value to the user experience.

Think about it.

If a user sees a page of traffic equaliser results and google ads that really isn't going to last long. But what if you have other specific niche information and tools for the user.

What about Ebay auction results? What about Amazon Book Listings? what about other Affiliate Feeds?

Can you imagine how much more alive your pages would be if they didn't just have directory or article content but had:

Up to the minute Ebay auctions on related products Up to the minute Amazon Book listings Affiliate Product links on related items

oh and Google Adsense....

Not only that but you can earn income from EVERY single piece of content.

So lets look at how on each one of the above.


Sign up to the Ebay Affiliate Program using Commission Junction. Visit affiliates.ebay.com for more details.

You will get paid for every signup to Ebay and also paid on each bid they make. Use the Product or Editor Toolkits to create a skyscraper ad or a banner ad to fit within your Traffic / Article Equaliser template. Use the [keyword] function as the search criteria. Or use the Commission Junction search link tool to create a templated results banner or table to use on your Traffic Equalizer template.

The piece of code to change in the example below is the query=ford

script language="JavaScript" src="http://ilapi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?EKServer&ai=j%7cax%7b%60%60&bdrcolor=FFCC00&cid=0&eksize=2&encode=ISO-8859-1&endcolor=FF0000&endtime=y&fbgcolor=FFFFFF&fntcolor=000000&fs=0&hdrcolor=FFFFCC&hdrimage=1&hdrsrch=n&img=y&lnkcolor=0000FF&logo=3&num=25&numbid=y&paypal=n&popup=n&prvd=1&query=ford&r0=4&shipcost=n&sid=47654735435&siteid=3&sort=MetaEndSort&sortby=endtime&sortdir=asc&srchdesc=n&tbgcolor=FFFFFF&tlecolor=FFCE63&tlefs=0&tlfcolor=000000&track=14326267&width=570"

Change the word ford to [keyword]

This will allow you to automatically create a ebay filled banner or table based on the keywords you enter.


Signup to the Amazon affiliate program at associates.amazon.com.

Use the Build links function and select the Recommendend Product Links. From their you can work thorugh and build a whole range of different sized links and banners. Select the Iframe version of the size you require and cut and paste the code into Notepad.

You will see with the code there is search=ford for example.

More Resources

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JV and Grow Rich
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Are You Wasting Your Time In Pursuit Of Money?
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Your Own Affiliate Program
What better avenue to drive high quality and targeted traffic to your website than through your very own affiliate opportunity!Plus, you have dozens and dozens of other marketers promoting YOUR wares at no startup cost to you, and on top of your own promotional efforts.Another positive is that it is a win-win situation.
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More Affiliate Revenue Information:

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