One Little-Known Secret to Wealth the Gurus Never Told You About!

When I started my internet marketing career, I knew that in order to succeed online I had to duplicate what my mentors were doing.

I had read several popular ebooks at that time, written by marketing gurus, and each of them explained how to research niche markets in order to find out what products to create or sell.

But right in front of me, staring me in the face were ebooks that I had bought. So I thought to myself, if this guru wrote this ebook and sold a copy to me, then obviously the best thing for me to do is to create an ebook to sell!

Boy was I wrong, and I'm glad I never wrote that ebook to start my career. Do you know how many $20 ebooks you would have to sell in order to make your first $10,000? 500 sales! That's right, you have to make 500 sales just to clear $10k.

Now don't get me wrong, ebooks have many important purposes including lead generation and viral marketing, but when you are just starting out and need cash flow, you might be better off saving the $20 ebook project until you've built up your following.

And now for the secret you don't often hear about from the gurus!

You need to sell high-ticket items!

Let's say instead of the $20 ebook you decide to sell a product that gives you a $1000 commission. How many sales do you have to make to reach your $10k goal? Just 10!

And remember, as long as you have a great offer, it isn't much harder to sell a big-ticket items than it is to sell a lower-priced item.

Now think of one more important point. Think of all the time you would need to spend supporting 500 customers vs. 10 customers. I don't know about you, but I would rather focus my energy on just 10 customers each willing to pay me $1000 each!

Have you ever wondered why the gurus put on so many seminars? They like to go for the big kill! Many seminars charge upwards of $2,000, $5,000 or more. When you do the math, it isn't hard to see that $50,000 is pretty easy to make when you are selling $5,000 products.

So, if you racking your brain trying to figure out what products to promote next, follow these 3 simple guidelines in order to narrow it down:

1. Focus on 1 or 2 products to promote at first so you don't get overwhelmed.

2. Make sure the products are ones you believe in. Don't let great sales copy from mediocre product talk you into joining the affiliate program. You may be putting a lot of effort into something that might only pay miniscule commissions!

3. Look for hot-selling items that carry a high price tag. Getting just a few sales of these big-ticket items can make you thousands!

More Resources

Affiliate Marketing Assets - Things You Need In This Business
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Join in on the Success of the 2nd Wave of Affiliate Marketing
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Mining For Gold With The Best Affiliate Programs And Hitting Pay Dirt
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High Earning Affiliate Is It Possible?
Affiliate Program have exploded on the internet. Thousand of people join them every day.
Creating an Income Stream with Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs (also called Referral Programs or Partnership Programs) are essentially commission-based sales schemes. You recommend a site to your users and pick up a percentage of any sales those users generate.
Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense
The Rise and Fall of Affiliate ProgramsAffiliate programs were once a great source of online revenue, a savvy webmaster with an eye for marketing could easily parley a site into a money making machine with a little luck and effort. However, the evolution and growth of the Internet has hampered the growth of fortune making affiliate programs.
How to Monetize a Free Website
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Affiliates: 3 Things You Should Own Though You Dont Own A Product.
1. Your Own web site:Most affiliates put a redirect link directly to their affiliate product.
Make Sure Affiliate Programs Pay for every Sale
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Become An Affiliate Champion: 10 Tips
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5 Affiliate Marketing Facts of Life
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Five Ways To Maximize Affiliate Profits from Articles
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Vital Things To Check At Any Affiliate Program
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10 Tips To Help You Create Your Own Money Making Affiliate Program
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Never Too Old
NEVER TO OLDMy great granddaughter said I was too old to learn to use a computer.The trouble with the younger generation is that, they think that just because you are getting old, you are also becoming stupid.
What are the Benefits of Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a cooperative effort between merchant and an affiliate's website. It has become popular for Internet sites trying to create some extra income for their site, perhaps changing a hobby to a profitable, self-supporting business.
Home Business Affiliate Marketing
How would you like to make money with a Home Business without ever having to sell anything? There are lots of people earning thousands of dollars doing just that. There are very few home businesses that are easier or cost less than affiliate marketing.
Choosing the Best Affiliate Program - What You Absolutely Must Know
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Generate More Sales in ANY Affiliate Program - Part Six
ACTIVE AFFILIATES are those who sign up under you for free, then upgrade to being a paid affiliate. Those who sign up but don't upgrade within the first 72 hours are called inactive affiliates and who are unlikely to ever upgrade.
The Key to a Successful Affiliate Program
Two Christmases ago I tugged on one of those paper crackersand after a small bang, out popped a piece of yellow paperthe size of a credit card.On one side was a riddle that didn't make much sense, buton the other side was an 'Inspirational Quote' that made alot of sense.

More Affiliate Revenue Information:

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