Online Business Entrepreneur? What You Must Know About Your Affiliates

As an on-line business entrepreneur it is your job to bring affiliates into your down line. But that's an oversimplification of what your job really is. Bringing people into the business as new affiliates is like taking attendance the first day of a University class in Archaeology. Most of the students aren't sure why they signed up for the course and most of them don't have a clue what the course is about. All they know is that someone advised them to enroll in it or another student who took the course previously said, "if you take this class you'll really like it."

The real job of an on-line business entrepreneur is, to paraphrase Stephen Covey, "make sure your affiliates are aligned with the mission, vision, and strategy of the business." That's because "when people are filled with true understanding of the needs, when they share a powerful commitment to accomplishing the vision, when they are invited to create and continually improve the structure and systems of the business, then they have alignment."

And why is alignment so important? Because your goal is to generate wealth and these are the true wealth builders of your business. And if you want your potential wealth builders to build your wealth you have to know that in their eyes you are the business. And if they are not aligned with you they will not be likely to be much of a wealth builder.

So, to quote one of the most noted experts in the field of business, Ken Blanchard, "your purpose as a leader is to help them accomplish their goals." When I became an on-line business entrepreneur that's exactly what Kevin Haas did for me. He brought me in as a an on-line business affiliate. He was always available and he exercised patience and understanding . He knew that helping me accomplish my financial goals would also help him accomplish his.

Now I haven't spoken with Kevin about this, but I think he will agree that he also gained satisfaction from watching me grow and mature in an area where I had absolutely no previous experience. Being both impatient and overly analytical by nature I looked at the on-line business experience like I do an academic study, through a research microscope, using sensitive detection devices that caused me question just about every idea, method, and business strategy. Kevin provided quick and easy-to-follow answers to all of my questions. I'm sure there were time when I taxed his endurance. But he stayed with me.

So what's the purpose of an on-line business? To generate wealth of course. And yes, wealth includes being able to obtain all the essentials of a comfortable life. It includes concepts like "getting out of debt," "buying that new car," "owning that dream home," and 'taking vacations to exotic places." True wealth is all of this, but it is so much more. True wealth also includes health, happiness, having a sense of community, and enjoying the satisfaction of helping others achieve wealth so that they can also help others, and so on down the down line. Get it? Bringing people into your down line and sharing the vision and values of your business with them is the best wealth builder known to man.

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More Affiliate Revenue Information:

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