Are You Sure Your Diet Doesnt Affect Your Acne?
For those of you who have met me, you know I am often mistaken for being an 18 year old when in actuality I'm 27. I'm currently teaching after-school cooking classes in Brooklyn to middle school kids and I was mistaken for one of the students by an employee. I almost got in trouble for being in the hallway!
All I can say is that the organic food and vegetables must be working!
...and I use Oil of Olay (with SPF) everyday although I am searching for a more natural product that I will like.
Developing Acne
Around the age of 18 I started developing a mild case of adult acne. It actually wasn't too bad, but I noticed it because my face had always been very clear. I was stumped as to why thiswas happening.
I solved the problem, and I thought it would be great to share my discovery with you. Not only to show how food does affectour skin, but also because maybe it will work for you too!
Around the same time I developed the acne I was alsobecoming a social coffee drinker. It took me awhile to put twoand two together, but I eventually experimented with eliminatingthe coffee. Guess what! The pimples went away.
Hmmm... So what could it have been? I then figured out that my skin would break out if I had soda, chocolate, or tea. Thecommon factor was caffeine. In fact, I was so sensitive that even decaf caused me to have blemishes. (Decaf still containsa small amount of caffeine leftover from the process.) I alsolater discovered that alcohol would have the same effect.
I'm not a dermatologist, and many of them will tell you that whatyou eat does not affect whether you have acne or not, but I will tell you from first hand experience that it does. What seemed tobe happening was that caffeine or alcohol would stimulate oilproduction in my skin (probably because of increased hormone levels). The oil was probably being produced at a faster rate than my skin was able to naturally slough off dead skin cells, therefore my pores would get clogged.
This is my non-technical version of what I think must've beenhappening
My Skin Is CLEAR!
I've eliminated all forms of caffeine and alcohol and my skin is clear. Of course I get the occasional zit, but not often. I also find that I need to wash my face with a washcloth or exfoliater in the evening and that will keep the occasional pimple to a minimum.
If you need help eliminating caffeine and developing a healthierdiet, call me for an initial consultation. You will also receive lifecoaching along with your nutritional counseling...because it allgoes together. It's never just about food! 917-689-6530
Melissa King
Holistic Nutrition Counselor
Blackheads Information and Acne Cure
Blackheads are mild and noninflammatory in nature and therefore it is you who could take care of these small zits by a few very simple precautionary steps. Grow a habit of cleansing your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap.
Acne and its treatment
Acne is a menace. However, it's not something that cannot be tackled.
How You Can Deal With your Back Acne Problem!
Back acne (commonly called bacne in some circles) is the same thing as the regular acne that shows up on so many teenagers' face.
Don't Let Your Acne Define You
Most everyone will get acne at some point in life. Some people only get small amounts and other people have long-lasting, big break outs.
Role of Calcium in Acne Cure
Most of us - including kids - are familiar with the importance of calcium for healthy bones and teeth. Fussy kids are persuaded to their daily quota of milk by lecturing about the calcium content of milk, its health benefits, and so on.
Adult Acne Treatment: How to Stop the Breakouts
Acne is generally thought to be a condition faced by teenagers, adolescents, and young adults. But what about those who experience acne well into adulthood?
Does Toothpaste Help Treat Acne?
Finding the right acne treatment can be a spotty situation. Seek out home acne remedies and you'll find that many people swear by toothpaste as an effective and inexpensive treatment.
Useful Advice For Getting Rid Of Acne
Acne can be as frustrating for teens as it is for adults. The best things to know about acne are how to prevent it from appearing, how to deal with it when it does, and how to take care of yourself afterwards. The tips included in this article can help you learn to manage your acne in the best way possible.
Acne Product Work If You Find The Right One
For someone with moderate to severe acne on their face and back, having their picture taken or being in front of large groups of people can cause panic and a loss of confidence.
Getting Rid Of Acne: Chemical And Homemade Remedies
If not treated on time, acne, a common skin disorder for three quarters of all teenagers or young people at their early twenties, can leave ugly scars or lesions on the skin. The most common treatment options according to the severity of acne include application of various topical agents as well as some simple homemade recipes.
How To Get The Spot-Free Skin You Crave
Most of the time, people and articles alike will recommend ways you can prevent or treat acne. But, more often than not, those articles will not provide you with the tips and advice on the things you should not be doing that relate to your acne. This article seeks to do just that.
Acne Proactive Solution: Treatment to the Stars
You may have seen the infomercials featuring stars like Jessica Simpson and Vanessa Williams, but is the science behind the acne treatment Proactiv Solution solid? Is it all sales pitch or does this product really work?
Reveal Great New Skin With An Acne HomeMade Mask
Don't dive straight in with an acne homemade mask. You may regret it is you're not careful.
Excellent Tips To Help You Finally Lose That Acne!
Most people think that acne is just a problem on your face, but it can also occur on your shoulders and sometimes, on the buttocks. Regardless of where acne develops on the body, it is important for someone to treat it as soon as they can. The information included in this article may help you to find the best way to treat acne.
Tired Of Dealing With Acne? Get Clear Skin Fast With These Simple Ideas
Acne troubles people all across the age spectrum, but it can be treated effectively, regardless of your age. As you read this article, look for the tips and suggestions that are most appropriate to your particular situation. Begin to implement effective solutions to your acne breakouts to increase your own sense of beauty.
Home remedies for acne- ultimate cure option
In today's dusty and polluted atmosphere if your skin is facing acnes it is not a surprise at all. Such acne is very common nowadays but mainly it makes the person depressed if it does not get removed from his or her skin as it can make ugly and un-attractive any face no matter how beautiful the face was.
Fighting Acne Naturally Is The Way To Go!
Acne is a common skin condition that plagues many people, not just teenagers. The situation can be caused by various internal and external circumstances. Fortunately, there are many things that can be done to minimize the damage to your skin now and help it to heal from this troubling condition.
All The Advice You Need To Be Acne-Free!
Acne is one of the biggest problems that teenagers and adults face. It affects appearance and self-esteem. There are steps people can take to minimize or get rid of their acne. Check out the easy tips in this article for steps to take. Follow them to permanently improve acne quickly and easily.
Tips On Getting Rid Of Acne
Many people today realize that they can change their lives and get rid of their acne. Yet, a lot of these people aren't sure how they can go about doing that. This article is here to help you with tips you can use towards eradicating as much acne from your life as you can.
Discover the best way to get rid of acne
Some believe there is a connection between diet and acne. There are some myths about it. Acne is not caused by greasy foods like French fries and pizza, or the abuse of chocolate or lemonade absorption. However, if you observe a correlation between your acne and certain types of foods, it is better you go and watches your acne.