Improving Sales; Home Depot Catering to Women Customers

By Lance Winslow

The Home Depot stores are concerned that their same-store profits and sales volumes have gone down in the previous quarter over last years sales during the same quarter, so what is Home Depot doing to improve their sales? Home Depot is improving their sales by catering to women customers. Home Depot's biggest competitor has been Lowes and a Lowe's has many products, which cater to the women customers.

Home Depot has moved previously into the sector for building and construction industry and you can go to any of their stores at six o'clock in the morning and all live construction people filling up their tracks with equipment and purchases.

Home Depot also caters to the home improvement do it yourselfer and it that has generally been men. However, Lowes has made eight each business on catering to women customers who prefer their store when shopping and on the weekends you can see men and women shopping together at Lowe's for items for the home. Home Depot knows it must now start catering to women and that is exactly what they're doing.

Home Depot expects this strategy to work well into the next quarter and believes that will indeed improve their financial outlook. Women will also like the idea as they bring in more women friendly products for those weekend shoppers looking to fix up their homes. Some of the problem with Home Depot has been that the construction industry has slowed down significantly over last years booming times.

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