A Formula For Improved Achievement

Your ability to perform in life is determined by a number of factors:(1)The package you received when you were born (i.e.

Fear of Failure

The fear of failure is more deadly than failure itself. The fear of failure paints so many imaginary scenarios which petrifies you and renders you immobile.

Are You IFFY?

Many people say that working for themselves or working on Straight commission is just too 'IFFY' for them.'I'd rather work for a company that will give me a check every week, that direct marketing stuff is just too 'IFFY' for me.

Break And Move Beyond The Length Of The Chains

"Never let fear, procrastination or the longing for approval from others to take possession of your mind, they become self-forged chains." ~ Ty HowardHave you ever experienced a moment in your life where you wondered "What to do next?"Have you ever had a bolt of confidence spring into your being just as you were going to start working towards a new goal, but your comfort zone held you back?Have you ever had the feeling "It's now or never!" but you didn't make your move?If you answered "Yes" to any of the above questions, you at one time wore the self-forged chains.

Inertia? 5 Tips to Getting Yourself Moving Again!

Inertia. Even the word sounds like a disease.


As you prepare to take your first steps, could there possibly be something holding you back?Maybe you have heard the phrase, "false evidence appearing real." It is a common acronym made from the one word that can and will stand in your path to success.

Step Out

Living your successful life requires you to step out. I remember as a teenager, right out of high school, learning this valuable lesson.

Overcoming Procrastination

What are the reasons that YOU procrastinate?Are you a perfectionist?Do you procrastinate on projects that you dislike?Do you over schedule yourself?Do you have fear of failure?Or maybe fear of success?Perhaps you dislike or disagree with the person delegating the job?Do you lack clear goals?There are many reasons for procrastination, but only one result. Stress, anxiety, and a great amount of wasted time.

Are You A Procrastinator?

What is the dictionary definition of a procrastinator? It is one who delays, defers action, puts off until another day. At some point in our lives all of us have probably procrastinated over something we needed to do.

Get Things Done: Take 21!

Ever begin doing something that you do for a few days, and then simply stop doing it?For example, let's say you promised yourself that you were going to file papers immediately before they got out of hand, but then something else came up, and the next thing you knew, you had another pile of papers that needed to be filed.Or perhaps, on January 1 you made a vow to yourself to exercise for 20 minutes every day.

Hey CyberJunkie, Clean that Booger off Your Nose!


At A Dead End? Look Deeply Into My Eyes!

The president of a large North Eastern company, doing business internationally, was visiting his California division. While he was there, he saw a very large photograph of, of all people, himself, hanging on the wall.

Breaking Through Resistance

Why is it that every time you start something new, a million and one things get in the way?You make a goal to lose weight and all of a sudden every time you go to the store you seem to notice the chocolate you've been craving.Or you decide to start a writing project but every time you sit down to write - you're stuck, you don't have any inspiration.

Ill Put My Money On The Kid!

Now, the Fun Part. It is nigh time to find a way to take all the buck out of this bucking bronco we call the internet.

Lego Laws for Life

Just about everybody owns or has owned a bucket of Legos in their time. There's no denying the fun they provide for a child or even for an adult, which is why, many Lego collections are passed down from one generation to the next.

Day Dream Believer

I am sure you, just like the rest of us, experienced all sorts of day dreams when you were younger. Who amongst us did not find themselves, at one time or another, in the precarious position of being blissfully lost in day dream when one of our teachers called on us in class? You know how that story went.

Ten Terrific Self Motivating Tips

No one can motivate anyone to do anything. All a person can do for another is provide them with incentives to motivate themselves.

The Dream I Nearly Gave Up

Hello again to you my loyal readers. My very first article which I published sometime last year dealt with the topic of positive thinking and success.

Are You a Self-Saboteur?

Take this questionnaire to get clear on what you may be doing to undermine your own success and happiness in life. An explanation of your score awaits at the end.

All Talk And No Action; So Let It Be Written; So Let It Be Done!

It is so important to know how to motivate ourselves in an effective manner and in a desirable direction. Throughout life we continually struggle between the dual forces of what we say and what we do.

I Give Up! How to NOT Say Those Words!

Boy, I tell you..

This Emotion Is As Helpful As Ali-Baba And His Forty Thieves!

Are you afraid of your own best ideas? Do you ever have that cold chill run up your spine just about the time you feel you're ready to take hold of that golden opportunity that comes once in a lifetime? Well guess what? I been there, done that, and won the T-Shirt. You Too?? Hmmm.

Life Issues Pt.2 - Against All Odds

Against all odds. I think that should be the motto of every person that is striving to be successful.

Full Steam Ahead, Just Dont Go Off Half Cocked!

Do you do things that you don't want to do? Do you not do things that you do want to do? Do you find every reason in the book to delay what needs to be done? Would you like to know the secret of getting things done? Then hang on tight, cause this buds for you.How do you make the secret of getting things done an everyday part of your life? It's done by a nasty word?.

Ever Feel Like Your Elevator Is Stuck Between Floors?

What do you do when you make a big mistake? When you fail? When you suffer defeat? When everything just goes wrong? When serious misunderstandings develop with others? When it appears like there is no way out? When solutions to your problems just seem impossible?A Familiar Location; The Bottomless Pit!What do you do; do you do nothing and allow the circumstances to push you around? Do you blow your stack? Do you bite the hand that feeds you? Do you become fearful and run away? Do you get your knickers all in a twist? Do you ever feel like your elevator is just stuck between floors?Or, do you grab the bull by the horns and flatten him like a pancake? Do you turn bad circumstances into advantages just for the sheer joy of it? Do you look at every problem with faith and optimism knowing that positive results can and will be found?Time To Grind It Out!Well, I tell you this; if you are the kind of person that always looks for that kind of satisfaction, then you are busier than a one legged man in a bu** kicking contest. But, you knew that quite well.

Define Your Own Future - Shatter The Crystal Ball!

When I decided to look into remote viewing, I had the impression that it had some bizarre metaphysical and psychic associations. But, in reality, remote viewing is a natural and 'taught' method of probing remote locations in the past, present, and future.

Awaken The Sleeping Attitude Within You!

I have made the statement numerous times that; "You are the most important living person." Take some time and think about yourself.

About That Dream...

About that Dream..

How To Be Motivated Without A Motivator

Many professionals spend their entire careers working under managers or supervisors that don't truly understand the importance of motivation. This lack of understanding results in one of two things: 1) Low performance and productivity of the organization and staff or 2) Self-motivation of the professional, which results in high performance, satisfaction, and productivity.

The Top 10 Creative Strategies for Moving into Action and For Getting Bottom Line Results

Your ability to move into action and to achieve bottom line results rests in the power of your thinking. These ten strategies will support you in transforming your desires into concrete action.

A Reality Practice

Suggested practice to gain freedom from self-limitation.It is suggested that what is actual and real in the world can only be experienced in the ongoing moment (by moment) and that to be fully in the moment can only happen if all ideas and beliefs about it are gone from the psyche - including the sense of "I", of self identity.

A Reality Practice

Suggested practice to gain freedom from self-limitation.It is suggested that what is actual and real in the world can only be experienced in the ongoing moment (by moment) and that to be fully in the moment can only happen if all ideas and beliefs about it are gone from the psyche - including the sense of "I", of self identity.

Are Your Dreams A Day Late And A Dollar Short?

One of the greatest challenges facing our ever intensive quest for the impossible dream is to make it across the finish line even if it's only by the skin of our teeth. Many outstanding accomplishments have been started just to see our vision die one foot short of the goal line.

Casting Vision

One of my greatest loves as a kid was fishing. This love developed quickly because my family owned a little bait shop that was located near Toledo Bend Lake in Louisiana.

One Last Month to Make it Count!

Can you believe it, summer is almost over. Did you get to accomplish everything you planned? Did life sneak up on you, such as unexpected bills, a loss of a job or did your situation change? Well, the busiest 2 months of summer are over, with literally weeks until school starts up again.

Live Life with Gusto

Life is a gift; live it with gusto everyday. Don't worry about the future because most of what you worry about never happens.

Courage Is A Gift

"It is not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. -Epictetus, the 1st Century Greek PhilosopherCourage is daring to be? Brave.

Remember, Worse Things Can Happen At Sea, So..... Dont Ever Quit!

Throughout the many pages of scores of motivational books, with the Bible being at the forefront, we are encouraged to "not give up." We are told to believe that we can come through any situation and be victorious in life.

Cure Your Burnout!

Do you ever get those Sunday night blues? Dreading the week ahead, feeling the daily grind just draining away all of your energy before the week even starts? Or what about those days where you just feel like you are going through the motions and not really being present in your own life?We've all been there - burned out.Recently I received the following email:I work from a home office and my last year has been very busy.

10 Ways to Reclaim Your Self-Esteem

The way you feel about yourself impacts how and why you do everything in life. If you feel good about who you are, then what you do will be an outside reflection of your innermost thoughts and feelings.

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What to expect when getting sucked into cyclic argument with a narcissist and how to defuse it

An argument with a narcissist can leave you feeling emotionally drained and confused. According to experts, people with narcissistic traits or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) have a strong desire to ...

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A couple buys abandoned home without ever looking inside and is shocked by what they find

A daring couple who chose to buy an abandoned house for restoration without stepping inside has stunned the internet with their discoveries. While initially planned to renovate the run-down property, ...

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Man buys prebuilt tiny house on Amazon delivered to his doorstep — but it comes with plot twists!

Amazon has expanded its range beyond books and gadgets, now offering prebuilt tiny house! With skyrocketing housing costs and even rental properties sparking fierce bidding wars among hopeful tenants, securing ...

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Man names estranged daughter sole beneficiary of his entire estate, but family complications follow

A woman with a troubled relationship with her father has discovered she is the sole beneficiary of her father’s will. The unexpected news has left her unsure of how to ...

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Disabled teen leaves entire airport in awe as she joins pianist in captivating musical collaboration

A disabled teen delivers an unforgettable cello performance at the airport, joining forces with a pianist for a moving musical collaboration. Emilio Piano, a talented pianist, showcases his mesmerizing performances ...

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