Leadership Information
The Key to Influence in Organizations
It's a challenge for many if not all professional people: How to influence others in their own organization and in other organizations. They need to do this for their professional input to be heard and acted upon, and for them to achieve their objectives.
3 Simple Strategies to Improve Your Bottom Line by Tapping Your Most Valuable Asset, Your People
Recent research shows 44% of business leaders are unhappy with employee performance. Here are 3 specific strategies you can apply to maintain or recapture employee motivation, morale and engagement so that your employees will become true assets to your business.
Why 44% of Today's Leaders Are Unhappy With Their Employees' Performance
In order to improve an individual team member's performance more time must be invested in performance and career discussions and less on issues/problems.
3 Reasons Under-Performing Employees In Your Company Are Not At Fault
There are only two aspects to evaluate with under-performing employees, and in both cases, the employe is not at fault!
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