BIG-3 Leadership!
"Do what you do so well that they will want
to see it againand bring their friends."
- Walt Disney
What is your organization striving to achieve?
- Big Profits?
- Big Growth?
- Big Stock Price?
- Big Accolades/Recognition?
- Some other Big Result?
All of the above?
Okay, just so we are clear - all of the above goals/outcomes are NOT bad things to experience.
However, we all must realize as leaders that all these wonderful "outcomes" are actually the result of good leaders staying focused on the fundamentals.
Leaders clearly know that if they are able to execute the fundamentals well - the rewards are virtually inevitable.
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Can I expect to achieve sustained Big Results without strong Leadership?
- Can I expect to achieve sustained Big Results without great Teamwork?
- Can I expect to achieve sustained Big Results without delivering quality Customer Service?
Answer to all three questions above? - NO!
Sound too elementary? Perhaps - but the point here is that a great leader will ensure that "The Big Three" topics - Leadership/Teamwork/Service, will always remain central to their overall message when speaking to Employees, Customers, and/or Shareholders.
It's too easy to lose sight of the fundamentals once you create momentum and start experiencing growth and get a taste of success.
But know this - the minute you take your eyes off the things that created your initial success, you are sure to experience shorter gains and potentially a downward spiral.
So how do you ensure you stay focused on the fundamentals? (aka: The Big Three - Leadership/Teamwork/Service)
Make "The Big Three" part of your every day CULTURE! It's actually easier than you might think.
Read on for a sample blueprint of a Leader's message that is clearly staying focused on the fundamentals.
"Well done is better than well said"
- Benjamin Franklin
Consider using the following real life Leader's Notes example as a blue print for how a Leader can clearly communicate the importance of "The Big Three" - Leadership, Teamwork and Customer Service.
Talking Points for addressing team members:
- Teach/Coach/Expect - talk about the importance for all managers to be hands-on in teaching and coaching employees - only then can they justify holding employees accountable to meet all expectations. Leader's take ownership and are accountable.
- Motivation - It's a personal choice every employee makes every day when they walk in the door. It's not our responsibility to motivate employees, but it is our responsibility to hire self-motivated individuals and then provide a working environment that supports and inspires employees to want to consistently improve their skills.
- Support/Lead a Growth Environment - Every 90 days we must grow. Businesses either grow, or eventually die. We will grow by anticipating and meeting our customers needs, improving current relationships and developing new ones.
- Definition of "FUN" - Fun in our organization is defined as when we realize/achieve our goals after working extremely hard. The thrill of victory is only a thrill if the prize is hard-fought. When we are creative in finding solutions, plan appropriately and then put forth monumental effort toward achieving our vision - the feeling we then experience is: FUN!
- Energy/Enthusiasm > Experience - While experience is certainly valued in our company, it's been proven that individuals who are highly energetic and enthusiastic can more quickly gain experience and do a phenomenal job. To the contrary however, experienced individuals who do not possess the energy and enthusiasm for their job, should go somewhere else to work. Those without a passion for their work should go work for any one of our competitors.
Customer Service
- Every Employee Takes It Personal - When a customer leaves to do business with a competitor, you should take it personal. Taking it personal means you care. Talking it personal means you are disturbed enough to change what you are doing so that next time you win the business. Taking it personal ensures you get to the top and stay on top. How "disturbed" are you?
- We Have The Advantage! - We have the secret weapon. We have something that none of our competitors can claim to possess. We have "what makes the difference".
What is IT you say? Simple, WE HAVE YOU! YOU are the key to the success of this organization. YOU make the difference with each customer interaction. YOU are my secret weapon - and I truly value and appreciate all that you do.
"In business you get what you want by giving other people what they want - the way they want it."
- A. MacDougall
Richard Gorham is the founder and President of Leadership-Tools, Inc. His web site, is dedicated to providing free tools and resources for today's aspiring leaders. Offering high-quality tools in the areas of Business Planning, Leadership Development, Customer Service, Sales Management and Team Building.
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