Leaders Click It" Into Gear!
"Click It" Into Gear!
Ever wonder how two people can be in the same meeting, hear the same speaker communicate the same message - yet once the meeting is over, each person's perception of the event is totally different?
Why the different perception? How can one individual think the meeting was terrific and leave completely inspired and motivated, yet the other person walks away believing the total opposite?
Answer: "THE CLICK" (More on this in a minute!)
Picture yourself being told that your department is about to undergo a major downsizing. (Not a pretty picture, to be sure.) You are told that an announcement regarding large numbers of layoffs is eminent.
Shortly, you may be out of a job! (gasp!)
Stunned? Sure you are, and the choices you make in the immediate future may change your life forever.
NOW - is when you need to "CLICK IT" into gear.
Visualize "THE CLICK": Take your right hand and form a backwards "C" with your thumb and fingers. Keeping your hand in the backwards "C" position - hold your hand up to your right temple. Next, quickly make a forward snap of the wrist as you say out loud, "CLICK".
Did the light bulb just go on?
Leaders who understand the power of "The Click" - DO NOT become victims of circumstance. Rather, they identify the challenges and the opportunities which are presented to them at the moment - whatever the adversity.
We each have the ability to choose our outcome. We may not like the choices in front of us at the time - but at least we have the ability to choose our path.
One thing is for certain - doing nothing, ensures failure.
Consider these examples:
#1 Losing your job?
Initial Reactions: "Poor me. That's not fair! Those dirty rotten ba...uh.. scoundrels! Why me? My life is over!".. etc, etc.
CLICK! "Okay, this is interesting. I guess now I have the opportunity to do something totally different. I could allow myself to be scared, but I choose to be excited instead. Obviously, something greater is awaiting me just around the corner. I can't wait to get started!"
Question: Does the personal choice presented above sound crazy to you? If so, ask yourself this question - "What's my alternative choice?" Sure, you can become emotionally charged, react in anger or even allow yourself to sink into a deep depression. But what will that accomplish? Nothing constructive, that is for certain.
The better choice is to dip into your personal reserves and "be" your better self.
#2 Boss just told you your department isn't meeting expectations, and you are being placed on notice?
Initial Reactions: "He has always had it out for me. I'm next on the chopping block. It's a conspiracy! I'm going to report him to HR and the Corporate Ethics Line because I feel threatened!..etc, etc.
CLICK! "Alright, my boss just told me exactly what he expects from me. I'm going to start immediately to address every issue he mentioned to show him that I understand what he expects and that I am committed to not letting he, or the company, down. I may not agree with everything he said, but I respect the position that he holds and it's my duty to support upper management and the company I work for. I can do this!"
As the preceding examples point out, "THE CLICK" is the result of asking yourself, "What is the most constructive way I can look at this situation, and what action steps must I immediately take to professionally address this issue?"
Bottom line: NEVER forget the power of "THE CLICK". NEVER allow yourself to be a victim of circumstance.
Instead, utilize this all-important tool to remain the master of your own destiny.
Don't be "affected" - be EFFECTIVE.
"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."
- John Wooden
Richard Gorham is the founder and President of Leadership-Tools, Inc. His web site, http://www.leadership-tools.com is dedicated to providing free tools and resources for today's aspiring leaders. Offering high-quality tools in the areas of Business Planning, Leadership Development, Customer Service, Sales Management and Team Building.
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