Tips For Building A Money Making Opt-In List

By Julia Gulevich

You decide on your Internet marketing niche, you create a product that you want to sell and you ultimately come to the conclusion that you need a good opt-in list, to which you will offer your product. Many articles and expert advices tell about how many Internet businesses are earning lots of money with opt-in lists, so you decide to get a list of your own. You believe that you have learned everything there is to learn about opt-in lists and then followed their advice but you are still not able to make money, or only a very small part of your list actually buys from you leaving you profitless.

So where is the rub? What have you done wrong? Why do others succeed while you fail? In most cases it is because you rushed into it right away without planning your Internet marketing campaign first. You owned a product that you thought would be sought-after and would make you lots of income. But this is not the case. Nobody will buy from you straight away just because you wrote a letter to your subscribers.

Here I would like to share with you some tips on how you can get maximum profits from your opt-in list. If you have already tried to earn money with an opt-in list and then failed, you may want to renew your business idea. If you are just starting, you can use these quick and easy ways to setup a money-making opt-in list.

1) Get your subscribers to believe in you and your products. Nobody buys without belief. If you simply owe an opt-in list, you cannot call yourself an expert and a trustworthy seller yet. To start with your list, write and deliver a number of articles, which relate to the market niche you specialize in and then incorporate them with your website. Try to join the forums to gather the information about your prospects’ wants and needs and take advantage of those wants and needs. Become a member of the forums and contribute with useful advice.

When you feel that people have confidence in you, you can start with your own opt-in list. You can ask other forum members to subscribe to your list. You can give a link to your website to your friends so that they may be able to see what your business is all about and join your opt-in list.

The thing to remember is that the profit will only come in if the subscribers think you are trustworthy and have belief in you. They want a product or service that will satisfy their needs and make their lives easier in exchange for their money. People won’t buy something just on your advice if they don't know you.

2) Make a promise to have anyone to opt-in to your mailing list. At present people are overwhelmed with various marketing messages, advertisements, spam, etc. and are more careful than ever to give their permission for receiving emails from a new source. And you have to be prepared for this by promising something valuable to your prospects. The promise may come in various forms and every form is very effective in obtaining opt-ins. You may want to offer a free special report, email mini-course, software trial download, discounts, etc. in exchange to their email addresses. It’s to you to decide what type of promises best fit your Internet marketing niche. Plus, your offer will persuade your subscribers that you are serious about your online business and that they can trust you.

It is important to remember that whatever you offer must provide a solution to the person’s problems or satisfy a need or desire people have. Because it’s not the thing that they will get that’s so important to them, it’s the benefits they will receive from that thing.

Also, if you are offering an affiliate program, supply your subscribers with promotional material they can use to advertise your product.

3) Enter into contact with other opt-in list owners especially with those ones who have already built a responsive opt-in list. Those people have the experience and experience is still the best teacher. Although you can read many articles on the Internet about opt-in lists, there is nothing better than getting a first hand account from someone you trust. Experienced opt-in list users are more than likely able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have already gone through all the tests and mistakes. Of course, people and situations are different but general knowledge can still be quite useful.

Building a successful opt-in list doesn’t happen in a moment. It may take months or even years if you start from nothing, and it will be growing with time. And you have to maintain the quality of your list. You’ll need to keep it updated since you will have new subscribers coming and also you may have people who would like to unsubscribe. You may want to employ someone to do it for you so that is manageable because you must make sure that your subscribers are satisfied and therefore more likely to be willing to buy from you.

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