How To Use a Message Sequence to Increase Your Sales

If there's one thing I've learnt in over 3 years ofweb marketing, it is this: you *must* follow up withyour visitors.

The statistics are very clear about this: the 1stcontact produces 2% of sales, the 5th to12th contactsproduce 80% of sales.

I knew about this for years but didn't act on it.Then, about 8 months ago I wrote a 5 Day Email Courseabout my eBook (Ezine Writer) and offered it to myvisitors.

The response was amazing - my sales almost doubled.

This is how it works:

When visitors leave the index page of my website, apopup appears inviting them to join my newsletter.

When they join, they also receive a free subscriptionto my 5 Day Email Course, which is delivered bysequential autoresponder.

But there's an important detail here. You don't wantthe popup appearing when your visitors click on the'order' link - it distracts them and you could wellmiss a sale.

So the popup has to be designed so that it *doesn't*appear when the order link is clicked.

You do this by including an 'exit=false' tag withinthe order link.

The next thing to do is set up your Message Sequenceon sequential autoresponders.

There are two ways of doing it - you can use aweb-based service or you can install a script on yourserver.

I use a web-based service (aweber) - mainly because myweb host doesn't allow mailing scripts of any kind.

If you want to avoid monthly fees, there are sitesthat offer free sequential autoresponders (but theywill insert their own ads in your autoresponse).

The advantage of a web-based service is thateverything is done for you. The downside is monthlyfees and a limited number of follow-ups (you can getmore, but you have to pay for them).

The second method is to install a script on yourserver.

The advantages of a script? You have no monthly fees(just a one-time payment for the script) and you getunlimited follow-ups.

So, those are the tools you need to deliver yourMessage Sequence.

Writing your Message Sequence is quite an art and youmay need some help.

More Resources

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