Seduction Secrets For Men - How To Make Your Dates Effective And Unforgettable

You are on the first date with a girl you have a crush on. Your palms are sweating, you are trying damn hard to come up with something funny to say, only to have long silences in your conversation. She gets up after an hour and says: "Sorry but it's getting late. I have to go home to feed my dog." Before you could say something, she has left already.

I'm sure the above situation has come up in your worst nightmares. The most crucial part of your interactions and the key to success with women is the first date. If you do it well, it will be easy to get down and dirty quickly.

Most guys do something boring on the first date. Going to the movies together, sitting at a cafe, having an expensive dinner at a restaurant - the list is endless. It's easy to use this to your advantage: by putting in a little bit of fantasy, you will be way ahead of the crowd.

Here is how:

When I go out with a woman, I take her on an "adventure date". This word has multiple meanings as you will see. We do something exciting and romantic in the same time. Something that brings you as close as it's possible on a first date.

Let's see an example:

A friend of mine takes his girls on an exciting outing. They visit one of the local sightseeing locations and end up at an abandoned ruin of a castle. By then it's usually getting dark - don't worry though, my friend is there to hug and provide safety for our just-a-little-bit frightened girl :)

Another example:

We have a hill in my city with a castle and some monuments on the top. There is a tunnel crossing the hill. A tunnel, which ends in a bridge. The bridge is illuminated at night giving a wonderful sight.

Usually, I take my date on a short walk among the monuments. As it is getting dark, we go on a tiny little road down the hill. A road, which leads us to a place that only a few people know: the top of the tunnel. And below us it's the entire city giving a wonderful and romantic sight. This is the point where I go in for the first kiss with the girl.

Don't think that you need special places or monuments to go on adventure dates. You can even do them indoors:

When the weather doesn't allow going outside, I bring my girls to the local shopping center. We sit to a cafe and talk a bit. Then I stand up and invite them for a walk around. We visit a few shops while shopping some clothes for me. Then we play bowling or go to the local bookstore. It's funny to laugh at the various love and sex advice books together with the girl.

The above are just examples, it's easy to come up with your own ideas. All you need is a little bit of fantasy and to know your city a little. Check out a local city guide paper for some examples or ask a friend who knows.

The key of adventure dates is not in the adventure itself, but in sharing activities with the girl. If you sit to a cafe and stay there for 4 hours, it will be nothing more than a conventional date. But if you sit to a cafe, then visit other places as well while being together, she will lose her sense of time and feel like you've known each other for a while. In that state, it's much easier to go in for the first kiss and get further.

I have written an entire e-book on the secrets of seducing women called "All About Women: The Encyclopedia Of Seduction" - this article is just a very small part of the big picture. If you want to improve your success with women and realise just how much stuff there is to learn, visit Good luck and wish you the best with the opposite sex!

An adventure with the opposite sex

Giuseppe Notte had to learn things the hard way. For years of his life, he had no success at all with women. That is until he stood up for himself and decided to take control of his life. He went on a journey to model guys who were very successful with women. He has spent day after day, month after month and year after year learning from other guys, various books and materials on the topic of seduction, and his own experience. After a few years of studying, he managed to sort out what works and what does not. By that time he had no problems getting the kind of women most men only crave for. He has taught many of his friends the secrets of seduction, and due to their encouragement, he had started to write a book on the topic in 2004. After months of hard work, All About Women: The Encyclopedia Of Seduction was born revealing Giuseppe's secrets.

As Giuseppe says, there is nothing more important than the will to learn from your mistakes and change yourself for better. If you have that down there will be NOTHING that you can't reach in your life.

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