How To Write A Successful Personal Ad

No one would know how good you are if you would not let them know about it. Whether you are promoting yourself for a job or for a date, you have to advertise yourself well.

You have written your own personal ad. Unfortunately, no one seems to be paying attention on your ad. You are a little apprehensive that you do not possess the skills you need to write a successful ad. You are thinking that perhaps it's not really your writing that's making you less appealing but your very own personality. You want to overhaul your ad but you are considering others to write for you because you feel you can't make an eye-catching ad.

Do not feel dampen about it. There's a lot in you than you can think of. It's just a matter of assessing yourself. Discover your full potentials. Examine your ad and check what's lacking in there. You might only be missing some good points.

Want to write a successful personal ad to get you in your dream job or a hot date? Why ask someone else to write for you when you can hire yourself to be your advertiser!

Be your own brand manager. It's all right to ask your friends how are you as a person. But remember, it is only you who knows your true personality. It's just that sometimes, you do not pay attention analyzing yourself and discovering your full potentials.

Here are some helpful tips in writing successful personal ads.

1. Be honest

Do not let others expect too much from you or expect less of you. Write what is only true. Do not exaggerate data. Bare your true personality. Don't under estimate yourself. Show your best qualities if you must. You should not be ashamed to flaunt it if you really have it.

2. Be different

Create your own style. What makes an ad boring is that it looks like the same as the others. If your readers see that it's same as the others, they might even think that you just copy your own. Be unique. Make an exclusive claim of your ad. Avoid being stereotyped. This will make your individuality a lot visible. And this will set you among the rest. Avoid creating an impression that you are plain and boring.

3. Learn from reading others

Examine other works. Read them carefully and take note of their good points in writing. Search for the best successful personal ads and make them your guide in developing your own style. Determine the styles they use to make their ad very interesting.

4. Start with a good lead

Your first sentence should make the readers read the succeeding sentences. This means that your first line should immediately catch reader's attention. Make a sweeping statement about yourself. Summarize in one sentence how interesting you are before you go through the meat of it. If you introduce yourself like, "Hi, I'm Peter Scott, 24.", chances are they'll just close their window and move on to the next ad. Your lead must build up interest and give an exciting preview of what they would expect when they read the entire ad.

5. Go to the meat of you ad thoroughly

Don't restrict yourself from going through the details of your admirable features. Go into the meat of your abilities, skills and assets. Specify what you want out of this ad. Check closely if you have put all the necessary description of your personality. Do not enumerate boringly. Insert a lot of positive adjectives to enhance the list of your qualities. It will benefit you a lot if you can make your readers understand how these qualities can be of best benefit to them. Be consistent on hyping them with your ad.

6. End with a great impact

Once you have established yourself well enough from the lead and the meat of your end, make sure that you leave a lasting impact to your readers. Your ending paragraph should encourage urgent response. Make your readers feel that you are one of the most sought after people. That if they take time considering you they might end up losing you.

7. Play up your best assets.

In the meat of your article, follow an inverted pyramid style. Start with your most important and admirable assets going through the least of them in the end. If you impress them with your finest qualities, they will take little notice of your weaknesses. Impress them first hand. Play up your expertise. Focus on them. Enhance these with striking sentences to enhance your skills and other qualities.

8. Package yourself

As I said, be your own brand manager. Brand yourself based on your excellent skills and qualities. Create your own identity and make it evident to your writing.

9. Stand out of the crowd

Now, read the other ads. Compare yours to them. Ask yourself, does your ad stands out among the rest? Make sure that it does because once you stand out, it will be easy for the readers to pick you as their choice. Shine among the rest.

10. Write your finer points

Transform your weaknesses into fine points. Or better yet, make your weak points very subtle. Focus more on your finer qualities. In fact, lure your readers to a number of your fine points so that they may forget to ask about your weaknesses.

Lastly, be your own judge. While it is good to consider other people's perception on you, do not depend entirely on them. Be objective. If you think that their judgment is baseless, do not entertain them.

Create your own image and be creative as possible. Let your readers get hook on your personal ad. Love your qualities and be confident with what you are. Put your best foot forward. These are the keys in writing a successful personal ad.

Make a lasting impression and you will reap the attention of thousand readers out there. Yes, more than you can handle. So what are you waiting for? Grab your pen and write your way to success!

About The Author

Oscar Walter is the webmaster of At this site you will find a lot more dating tips and links to great dating sites.

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