Do I Really Need To Backup?

Okay, computers a machine, right? Okay, maybe not yours. Youhave this special relationship, but that a subject foranother article. Machines break. Software gets fouled up.People make errors. These things happen, and for thosereasons alone, you need to back up all your critical data,redundantly, in a couple of different locations.

You can do this using the tools your system provides, or autility you buy for that purpose, but however you do it, doit! Some more things that can go wrong include disks thatturn bad and erase sections of your files, power failures orsurges, the aforementioned human error (one of the mostfrequent causes of data loss!) overheating, water or yourbeverage of choice, magnetic issues and last but certainlymost popular, computer viruses.

How is all this accomplished, you ask? There are many waysto backup your data these days, from DVD's to CDR's to ZIPdrives, to portable hard drives, as well as offsite internetbackups. All have their pros and cons, but the cold hardfacts are that it's becoming increasingly easier to back upyour critical data.

Don't let that lull you into a false sense of securityregarding your sensitive data. Either do it now, andfrequently, or start preparing an epitaph for your lostfiles!

Keith Thompson is the webmaster at Data Recovery Service, offering the latest and most affordable, datarecovery solutions.

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