
Creativity is the gift to mankind. This is not the thing which can be created by human beings.

In the every day life we see a lot of things like computer, calculators, abacus etc. After the sight of which we think that these are better than the Human mind.

But fact is different. Computers have no ability to think and create on their own.

Am I right or not? What do you think about this?

Thinking, creativity, feelings and many things which computer is short of at this time. There are many man made things which works better than human body and mind. But they can not take the place of human being.You can not replace a human body with a computer after the body dies. But you can replace computer from a computer even better in some respects. Computers can not make the human minds better.

Now close your eyes for five minutes and think as written below:

You are on a most beautiful hill with grass everywhere and flowers of romantic pink colors spread here and there. You are walking on a concrete path. It starts raining.

You are feeling the drops of rain on your head, your face, your whole body. And you are talking with someone you love the most i.e., you are on a romantic getaway.

It is sure that after thinking this you are feeling good.

Can computers do this? They do not have emotions. They do not have imaginations.

They are just like our slaves. Computers are actually poor. Though they are best of the creation of human being. But human beings are better than computers because ALLAH has created human being and nobody is better creator than ALLAH.

Creativity is only bestowed to humans. And wise peoples do not stop thinking. Whether they are sitting or standing. They think every time about the earth and heavens and the things between them. And at last they say, " My Lord! you have not created anything purposeless. You are great!".

Usman Zafar Paracha
Student of B-Pharmacy, Final Proff.

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