The 7 Simple Steps To Harnessing Your Creative Power And Achieving Incredible Success

Let me repeat what I believe is the most powerful andfundamental knowledge available to man:


Your desire for success brought this knowledge to you atthis very moment, there is no doubt of that. But do youknow how to harness it? To wield the power it makesavailable?

Every great man and woman to ever walk the Earth harnessedthis knowledge and wielded a power that allowed them toexceed the limitations of regular humanity.

But if the power of creation is available to all of us, whyis it only a small few ever achieve greatness?

Because only a few know how to harness this knowledge andwield the incredible power it makes available.

Do you know how? No?

Well listen up because you're about to learn.

The information contained in the rest of this article hasthe power to change your life forever....

The 7 Steps To Harnessing Your Creative Power And Achievingincredible Success

Follow the 7 steps to the letter and I GUARANTEE, yoursuccess will exceed the limitations of regular humanity.

Are you ready? Here we go:

STEP 1: Decide exactly what or how much money you want, not just "a lot" or "heaps". For example my present goal is$69,300/month. It doesn't have to be money here, it can beanything you desire.

And who knows, perhaps by the time you read this article Ihave already exceeded this goal and set a new one. Notice my goal is specific.

STEP 2: Decide exactly what your willing to give in order toachieve your dreams; as in time, money and effort.

STEP 3: Decide on a specific date for achieving your goal.Month and year.

STEP 4: Decide on a specific plan. You must have a plan,without one you cannot TAKE ACTION. is a great place to start your education.

STEP 5: (IMPORTANT) Write a clear "Promise" of:

-the amount of money you will make
-the time limit for getting it
-what you intend to give in order to get it
-and the plan by which you aim to get it

STEP 6: (MOST IMPORTANT) read your "Promise" aloud twice aday. Once after getting up and once before going to bed. Asyou read it - see, feel and believe yourself already makingthat money using the plan you have chosen.

STEP 7: For 1 minute after reading your "Promise" (or longerif you can) close your eyes and see yourself following yourplan and the money actually already in your possession as aresult.

Mix it with strong emotion; excitement, happiness, sense ofachievement, self-admiration. The stronger the emotionalcocktail the more potent your success will be.

That's it. I have just put into your hands the magic tocreate anything you ever dreamed of.

But remember, if you want to succeed you must have a plan.Do you have a plan?

Please follow all 7 steps I outlined above, they are notnonsense, but an incredibly potent process.

I VERY SERIOUSLY want you to be successful and happy beyondyour wildest dreams.

I know you can do it!

By Murray Hughes

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