The Top 10 BEST Things About Having a Coach

Obviously, there are many wonderful things about having a personal coach to support and encourage you. Everyone develops their own working relationship with their coach, and each situation is unique. So, with lots of respect for all the many things you may find valuable about having a coach, here are the Top 10 things clients have said to me:

1. You get personal time to focus on YOUR concerns and priorities every month. It is a wonderful thing to have a personal, private, intimate and challenging conversation focused exclusively on helping you move forward with confidence. How often do you get the support you need to be your BEST?

2. Having a coach challenges you to play harder. Having a coach focuses your attention, it clarifies your goals and encourages you to aim higher. Your coach is your biggest cheerleader -- and at times the person you love to hate the most!

3. You become more productive. You become more efficient, more effective, more results-oriented. Many clients work less and accomplish far more in less time, with less effort and with fewer false-starts.

4. You become more honest about what you REALLY want. Do you want the promotion, or more time off? Do you want more money, more prestige, or more time to work on your novel, build your boat or be with your family? Telling the truth (to yourself and to your coach) makes life much easier.

5. You have fewer frustrations. A coach will challenge you to eliminate the distractions, the frustrations, irritations and annoyances of life. They waste your time and energy, and they hold you back. Eliminate them!

6. You'll likely have MORE money when you invest in a great coach. How? You'll simplify your life, take control of your finances, and live, work and spend smarter. You'll make fewer impulse purchases, have fewer unexpected bills, and stay on your budget -- effortlessly! And, since you're more productive, you may even start earning more!

7. You'll clarify your values and live with greater integrity. You'll discover what's really important to you, and devise a strategy for having more of it in your life. Caution: This may result in major changes!

8. Your relationships will improve. You'll speak with greater clarity, more confidence and more power. You'll expect a higher level of intimacy, honesty and respect from those around you. And, you'll set boundaries so that your needs are met, while honoring the needs and boundaries of others.

9. You'll set much higher, larger and more astonishing goals! You'll simply aim higher and live larger. The daily grind will no longer be enough, and you'll expect and pursue a life that is satisfying, fulfilling and challenging. You'll understand that you CAN have it all -- that in fact, having it all is just the beginning!

10. Life will be easier and richer. Expect that, with a personal coach, your quality of life will be transformed. You'll get up earlier, stay up later, work harder, play more, and do it all with a level of relaxed enthusiasm that is rare for adults. Kids know about it, but most adults have forgotten what it means to live and work with PASSION! Your coach will remind you!

© Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at:

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