How to Save Yourself from Negative Influences

Watching the news can be hazardous to your health.

It's a fact, especially when you're watching events related to terrorism, kidnapping, murder, accidents, or calamities.These incidents make you worry and will leave you feeling weakand insecure. Imagine the uncomfortable feeling of becoming a victim someday. This will have a negative effect on your outlook in life.

Your surroundings have a big impact on you. How can you think and grow rich if you're bombarded with messages that relates"how difficult life has become" or "how poor most of us has turned out to be?"

You can't change your environment, but you certainly can control your mind. This is where visualization comes into play. Use your imagination, just as you would when you're still a little child. Imagine your home as a palace, yoursimple meal as fine dining gourmet, and your nearby park as your favorite vacation spot. Just imagine. Unconsciously,your thoughts will transform the images into their physical components.

If the media can indirectly influence you just by reporting what's happening around, imagine what impact everyday people have on you. These are the people that you see and meet everyday. These are also the same people who are expressingtheir own views of what is right and what is wrong.

When we grow up in a negative environment, we tend to acquire the traits and characteristics of people around us.

Many gangsters have been brought up by folks who have eithermisguided them or have taught them the wrong things in life. Through the years, they have instilled within themselves the vices of people around them.

Here's another case.

Pick a nice person, throw him in a group of bad-mouthed individuals who incorporates swear words in their everydaylanguage. Sooner or later, you'll notice that nice personspeaking in the same manner as the group.

This just goes to say that anyone who joins in the companyof a like-minded group will have a big chance of being influenced by the personality of that group. So what can you do if you're surrounded by people who deviates from your way of thinking?

You can't just avoid them. They'll think of you as a snob.Don't change the way you treat them, but simply learn how to shield out pessimistic comments or suggestions.

Sometimes, they will dictate you to do what you are against to do. Be firm with what you believe in. Do not let them affect your decisions. You know that you can do what theythought would be impossible. If you have to suffer the ridicule, so be it. You will have the last laugh anyway.

Moreover, you should be with people who have the same principles and ideologies as you do. You will be moreencouraged to continue your dreams if you have a supportgroup or mentor who will prod you to pursue your goalsdespite the setbacks.

When I was starting my internet endeavors, no one (andI mean not even one) of my relatives and friends believedme. But I did not let their discouragement stop me frombecoming successful.

I remained firm in my quest to make a living online. Imade friends with respected internet marketers who sharedthe same vision as mine. They have also experienced the same treatment from non-believers; but they have proventhat what the mind can conceive, it can achieve. Through their help, I was able to put aside my doubts and achievemy goals.

You have the power to make your dreams a reality. Now show the world what stuff you are made of.

Michael Lee is the author of "How To Be A Red Hot Persuasion Wizard," an ebook that reveals powerful secrets on how to easily make friends, fully improve your relationships, multiply your profits, win negotiations, and attain freedom and power. Visit to grab a sample chapter.

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