How To Type A Resume For Employers

Learning how to type a resume may feel like a daunting task. Even the most affluent writers have asked themselves, how to type a mind-blowing resume. Follow the tips in this article, and you will find the answers on how to type an outstanding resume.

First, your resume must be computer printed. The days of the almighty pen or grandma's typewriter are behind us. No more carriage returns with the dinging bell.

You should always use black ink throughout. It is the most professional, and helps if your resume is going to be copied by your perspective employer.

Today's computers come with several different fonts from which you can choose. However, when typing your resume, you want to stick with the traditional Times New Roman. Also acceptable are Courier, Verdana, Ariel and Monaco. Try to avoid italics and underlines, as these are difficult to scan into a database.

When typing your resume for employers, you want to use the optimal font size. It is best to use the popular size of either 10 to 12 point. For the heading, 11 to 14 point in bold type is the best. However, for the body of the resume, you will want to stick with the 10 or 12 point, and avoid using bold in the body as well.

You will want to either use a laser or bubble jet printer. You can print out several copies of your resume, and each one will be as clear as the first. You do not want to use a copy machine, as the letters could be faded. The clearer the resume is, the easier it is on the reader's eyes, and the more professional your image will be. Also, forget the old dot matrix printer. You don't want an outdated printer to represent you as being outdated. At the very least, you will want to show that you know how to type a resume.

Do not overlook the importance of the paper that you will use to type your perfect resume. You do not want your resume to shout, "Neon green is my favorite color!" You must always use white or ivory paper, with a matching envelope.

The most professional paper you can choose is at least a 20 lb. bond that is non-erasable. Remember, you want the whole package to scream, "Professional!" Keep the paper and corresponding envelope clean, crisp and wrinkle free.

As for margins, use the standard 1" on the top and bottom, with 1.25" margins on both the left and right sides.

Double space between your paragraphs and keep it short. Employers want to see a concise and to the point resume. Remember, you are not writing your memoirs, but you are selling yourself, making your first impression. Like the old cliché, "First impressions last a lifetime." Now that you know how to type a resume, you can find a lifetime job!

Copyright 2005 by David Green

David Green makes it easy for you to recieve your desired job fast. To claim your free lessons on how to flood yourself with amazing job offers from employers, visit the resume help website.

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