Changing Careers Got You Stumped? 6 Stellar Tips to Jumpstart Your Way
By Christina Santiago
So, your life is taking a different direction?
Maybe you're ready for a new challenge or you were the fortunate victim of a corporate drive-by (aka "downsizing"). Notice I said fortunate. It didn't feel that way initially, but soon after I came to see the blessing in the situation. Either way, it's time to change careers! Where do you start?
Many people find themselves at a loss once they are faced with the reality of making a change. Face it, we are creatures of habit but change doesn't have to be so traumatic. You can prepare yourself on your journey of success in your quest for finding a new career. Just follow these simple, easy 6 tips and you will be well on your way...
Life is too short to be stuck doing something you don’t have a passion for. Follow your bliss…it will make a world of difference and you will want to wake up in the morning and go to work! In fact, it won’t seem like work…it will be fun and enjoyable!
Tip #2: DEFINE YOUR USP—Unique Selling Proposition.
Think of yourself as a brand! Now, clearly identify your strengths, talents, and what you have to offer a company. The clearer you are, the more you can articulate your offerings. You are selling a service & a product: YOU! What makes you stand out from the competition? If you are having difficulty identifying your strengths, ask those who know you closely…or look at your past performance reviews to see which areas of strength you have been consistently recognized for. Focus on what you are good at!
Be specific. Is it a mid-size company? Do you prefer flexible hours? What’s the office environment you like...relaxed, creative, corporate? What industry is it in? Clearly visualize the company you would like to work for. Explore your options. Maybe after all that, you've realized that you want to work for yourself. If so, visualize it in detail. Your mind likes specifics. For example, if you called to order a pizza, you would clearly specify the kind of pizza, including toppings, etc. The same goes for a career change. Being specific can help you attract the type of company you would like to work for. Try it!
You will be ready when you land the interview. Speak intelligently to factors affecting their industry. This will show you did your homework & care about their needs! Remember, they are your customers & in order to best serve them you need to do your homework!
Tip #5: WIIFM!
What’s in it for me? This is what the recruiter wants to know—why she should call you for an interview. Create a stellar resume. This is a given, but must be mentioned. The resume needs to be professional, to the point, check for grammar/spelling, etc. In the objective, highlight the WIIFM. In your cover letter, identify the value you bring to the table. You may need to tailor your resume for that specific company to highlight what they are looking for. Don’t make stuff up; instead focus in the areas of your career which target their needs. WIIFM!
Maintain an attitude of expectancy. You will reap what you sow. If you think that no one is hiring, then you will not be hired. If you think you have tremendous talent to offer & package yourself accordingly, then you will be like a magnet attracting successful career/job opportunities. You will send out a positive vibration and will be called by employers. You will notice that you coincidently will run into people who can help you on your search. Recognize this is not a coincidence, it is your positive attitude at work! Regardless of what the news says about the economic outlook for jobs, what your friends or family might say to discourage you, remember...keep up your positive attitude!
Christina Santiago is president and co-founder of Rising Above—an executive coaching, training and consulting firm in Denville, NJ. She is a professional speaker, coach and certified human behavior consultant in association with Personality Insights and is a member of the International Coach Federation. She empowers clients to improve and develop communications and productivity skills. She works with clients to enhance leadership and team building expertise. She is an expert in stress reduction and conflict resolution. Christina is multi-lingual and has been noted by clients for her intuition and pinpoint accuracy in assessing needs and creating solutions. Her background is in communications, human resources, marketing, and wellness. She has worked with industries such as healthcare, finance, aviation and technology. In her spare time, Christina is pursuing her life’s passion of flying by becoming a pilot. She has logged over 80 hours, having soloed November 2005.
Contact Christina at http://www.christinamsantiago.