Brainteasers: Or, How Many Crazy Interview Questions Does It Take to Get Hired?

You've looked at all the job interview tips and techniques. Did your homework and studied all the potential employer interview questions you may be asked. Plus, you've practiced your answers in front of the mirror and in a mock interview. Yep, you're a well-prepared candidate ready to show your stuff. What more does an interviewer seeking a great candidate want?

Well, for starters, they may want to know:

** How many quarters - placed on top of each other - would it take to reach the top of the Empire State Building?

** How many piano tuners are there in the world?

** What does all the ice in a hockey rink weigh?

** How many gas stations are there in the US?

** Why are manhole covers round instead of square?

** If you had to get rid of one state, what would it be?

** How do they make M&Ms?

Before you sit there scratching your head and wondering if you've entered the interviewing Twilight Zone, realize that it's becoming more and more common for interviewers to ask these kinds of brainteaser questions.

Why in the world are they using brainteasers in interviews? Because they're looking to get a feel for how you process information - how well you work through a problem.

The first thing you should do with a brainteaser question is NOT focus on coming up with the right answer. There may not be a right answer. Instead, in your mind, divide the problem up into sections (Well, first I would . . .) and then brainstorm a logical solution out loud. Employers want to see that you're smart and can reason through real-world business problems and come up with solutions.

You might want to practice some brainteaser questions before the interview so you'll be prepared if one comes up. You can even do this while enjoying a snack. Before you pop that handful of M&Ms into your mouth, ask yourself: "How would I make these round candy treats with chocolate on the inside and a coating on the outside?"


How would you?

About The Author

Copyright 2004

Donna Monday
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