How to Ask For a Salary Increase and Get Your Raise

Feeling overworked and underpaid? If you're starting to feellike you deserve a raise, here are eight DO's and DON'Ts to buildyour confidence and tact (and what to avoid!) in asking for thesalary you feel you deserve.


1. Devise a "Plan of Action". First and foremost, get a strategytogether. Make a note of the specific projects you've undertakenand the results you've accomplished. List all of your job skillsand the features that make you an asset to this company. Findout what a typical raise is for someone with your experience inyour area of occupation. Know the facts and be realistic in yourrequest.

2. Ask for an amount that's slightly higher than one you would behappy with. If you would be happy with a 5% raise, ask for one acouple of points above it. That way, if your boss starts tonegotiate, you won't feel as if your worth has been diluted anyby getting less than what you feel you deserve.

3. Remember, your boss shouldn't be the only one negotiating. Ifyour company is going through a slow period or the economy isdown, try to be flexible and know how to respond if your bosssuggests a lower amount than what you may have been expecting. Consider other ways of getting a raise too, such as additionalvacation time, employee perks or more time off. All of these canbe just as good (if not better!) than an actual amount of money.

4. Choose a specific day and time to meet with your supervisorabout your raise request. Avoid choosing a Monday or Friday whenbosses are at their busiest. Studies have actually shown thatpeople are more receptive on a Tuesday or Wednesday after lunch. That way, they're not thinking about the weekend or theirstomachs while you're getting up the nerve to ask about a raise! If you're afraid of being interrupted during your request, ask tospeak to your supervisor for a few minutes after hours.


1. Raise your tone of voice if your boss objects to your raise atfirst. Remember, he or she is paying you to do a certain job,and you're asking for more money to do the same job. Beprofessional and polite at all times, and listen more thandemand. Chances are, if your supervisor doesn't award you araise, they might hint at what could else could be done to earnit. If they don't, don't be afraid to ask what steps would benecessary to "prove yourself".

2. Threaten with quitting if you don't get the raise or tellingyour boss you have another job offer unless you actually do. Hemay just call your bluff and let you go!

3. Stumble or beat around the bush with your request. Bestraightforward and confident. You are a valuable member of ateam and the supervisor hired you because they obviously thoughtyou were the best qualified. If you have "Thank You" notes fromcustomers or letters from the company praising you for a job welldone, bring those to your meeting as well, as they'll help tocement your request and remind your supervisor of your rolewithin the company and its progress.

4. Compare yourself to, or talk negatively about your coworkersor others in a position higher than you. You may think that thiswill put you in a positive light when it comes to a promotion ora raise, but to your boss, it shows that if you have a poorattitude toward your colleagues, you'll keep the same poorattitude if you are promoted.

Remember, be confident, professional and tactful. If the bosssays "no" or wants to "think about it", open his mind to furtherconsideration by volunteering to do more at the office. Stay anextra hour or help another team on a critical project. Thisdemonstrates that you're willing to "tow the mark" rather thangiving your boss the impression of "gimme the money first andTHEN I'll work". Good luck!

Roger Clark is senior editor at Top Career Resumes and Career Information Resources who provide free information to job seekers on all aspects of finding a new job and Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

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