What's Stopping You from Getting Your Next, Good Job?

This question comes up often when I'm working with someone to help them move forward in finding their next job.

What is it that compels people to stay "stuck"?

1. I think it is often inertia. It's impossible to move forward, if you don't know what you want.

2. Knowing what you want is half the battle of leaving inertia behind, but how to know what one wants, really?

3. Defining oneself can be done by writing an autobiography of accomplish- ments, taking assessments & talking to oneself.

4. Self-esteem is part of the puzzle about moving forward. Assessments should help in that direction.

5. It doesn't matter how much intro- spection is done, action is a great motivator. Action, even when it's mis-directed is better than no action.

6. Getting over stuckness can often be overcome by getting support from a guide, friend or professional. It all adds up to movement for one's sake.

About The Author

Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Job & Career Transition Coach
(509) 469-3514
MJT Consulting
302 Park Avenue
Yakima, WA 98902

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