Hair Removal Tips For Bodybuilders

One of the most time consuming and frustrating parts ofbodybuilding is not building muscles, it's removing unwantedhair.

For any competing bodybuilder, hair removal is a must butit's also growing in popularity among casual bodybuilders.

Before looking at recommendations for specific body areas itshould be stated that laser hair removal or electrolysisareregarded as the only permanent hair removal methods.

Although the most effective, they are also the mostexpensive! For full information on laser hair removal andelectrolysis, visit this Laser Research Library:

Here is checklist of body areas and recommended hair removalmethods for each:

Upper Lip, Chin, Mustache and Beard -

Men: Shaving.

Women: Waxing or sugaring.

Back of Neck -

Men: Shaving, clipping.

Women: Waxing or sugaring

Chest -

Waxing, shaving, depilatories.

CAUTION: Some find the shaving option unacceptable due tothe irritation it causes when stubble reappears shortlyafterwards. There can also be an acute problem with ingrownhairs in some cases. Once the shaving option is taken forchest hair removal it will need to be done regularly.

Nipples -

Tweezing. Stretch the skin slightly, grip the hair close tothe root, and pull gently, firmly and evenly. Yanking thehair may cause it to break off thus increasing the risk ofingrown hair.

Shoulders, Back, Arms, Hands, Tummy -

Waxing, sugaring, depilatories. Waxing or Sugaring is thebest method for all these areas. Taking a shower directlyafter waxing the back helps eliminate the possibility ofacne breakouts and skin redness.

Underarms -

Shaving is safe in this area. Hair under the arm grows inall directions so a side to side stroke as well as up anddown strokes may be necessary to catch all the hairs. Do notapply deodorants or antiperspirants right after shaving asthis can cause acute irritation and soreness. Waxing or sugaring are also safe.

Do not use depilatories to avoid the risk of chemical burnson the sensitive skin in this area.

After the skin in this area has become accustomed toshaving, applying a thin layer of Vaseline petroleum jellyinstead of a shaving foam or gel will give a really closeshave.

Pubic Area and Bikini Line - If the hair is long it can be cut down with scissors. Thenuse a waxing or sugaring solution. Careful shaving is alsopossible.

Genitals - Male -

Hair growing on the shaft of the penis and on the testiclescan be removed by shaving using a new wet razor. Great careis needed to avoid cuts.

Genitals - Female -

Waxing or sugaring is generally best. Shaving will onlycause stubble to appear after a few days and it may causeskin irritation and painful bumps.

Anus and Perineum -

The Perineum is the area of skin rich in nerve endingslocated below the anus. In men it extends to the base of thetesticles, in women to the vaginal opening. The anus is amucous membrane. Depilatories should not be used as they canresult in serious damage. Shaving produces stubble whichmaycause irritation as the sides chafe and rub together. Waxingor sugaring are the best methods.

Legs, Feet, Toes -

Shaving the legs is popular but the hair grows back after ashort time. Waxing or sugaring are preferred although you have to waituntil there is about a quarter of an inch of growth.

Recommendation: Hair inhibitors can increase theeffectiveness of all the methods mentioned above (with theexception of depilatories). By significantly reducing hairgrowth hair removal sessions become less frequent. Clickhere for details:

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