Mathew and the Highland Rescue - Book Review

"A stimulating adventure! Sabine Muir has written a wonderful children's story that can be read many, many times. This is a time-travel, Christian fantasy novel that reminds me a little bit of one of my favorite childhood books, 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'.

Here, the main character, Mathew, is a young boy growing up under difficulties that are quite uncommon from his piers. Mathew's father is missing, his mother has begun a new romance and bullying at school weighs heavily upon his young shoulders. Mathew thought he could escape it all during his stay at his Aunt and Uncle's tranquil family farm. Unexpectedly, Mathew and his cousins are thrown into an adventure when they accidentally enter a mystery gateway into to a world of Kings, Queens, Castles and ghosts.

Sabine Muir's use of factual, historical legendary characters brought the Canmore Dynasty to life - an era that is quickly fading from all memory. The author's research and understanding of the historical era is evident in this excellent piece of work. Her fascination with this particular section in time has produced several works of fiction.

'Mathew and the Highland Rescue' is only the first in a series of adventure books. A delightful light read for the adventurous and young-of-heart. I look forward to reading her next published work."

Publisher: Publish America, Inc.
ISBN#: 1413759165
Author: Sabine Muir

~ Lillian Brummet - Book Reviewer - Co-author of the book Trash Talk, a guide for anyone concerned about his or her impact on the environment - Author of Towards Understanding, a collection of poetry.

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