Will RSS Replace Email?

RSS is a big buzz word right now, and this question has been popping up all over the place.

Will RSS ever replace email?

In short, the answer is no.

RSS will never totally replace email because they each do totally different things.

RSS was designed for a totally different purpose than email, and technologically speaking, it would be impossible for RSS to do everything email can.

Consider this analogy: RSS and Email are like TV and telephone.

If you want to reach a broad audience of spectators, you use the TV or RSS. Consumers like TV because they hold the remote and can change the channel at will. They have total control. Likewise they can an RSS feed at any time if they so choose, and instantly the source of information is totally gone, never to return against the person's will.

Email is like the telephone: You can email or call anyone based on their phone number or email address, and they can call you or email you back. Consumers like email and the telephone because of the two-way communication. But with the two-way communication comes the possiblity of having annoying telemarketers and spammers along with it. And boy do they come!

One is not better than the other because they both serve two totally different purposes.

In my opinion, RSS is better for reaching a large list of subscribers because it is 100% spam proof and puts the control into the hands of the consumer.

Why fight the spam filters when you can avoid them altogether?

Internet marketers that think they are "more in control" by using email instead of RSS are somewhat disillusioned. Consumers can unsubscribe to your email list any time they want to. If they try to unsubscribe from your list but can't, then you are spamming them.

If you truly offer valuable content, consumers will look forward to getting your messages whether they come by email or RSS.

Considering the fact that a good number of emails are getting blocked by spam filters, you have a better chance of reaching more of your subscribers via RSS.

With that said, email will always be necessary on an individual basis so you can have two-way communication.

RSS was never made for that, and will never fill that role. But RSS can reach a large group of spectators with a 100% delivery guarantee. And that is something email just can't match!

Now you can bypass the spam filters altogether by delivering your newsletter via personalized RSS feed! Kent Thompson's new software makes it too easy. Check it out!


More Resources

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