Sales Marketing: Secrets To Using Blogs (Online Diaries) To Increase Your sales And Profits
These days, everybody is blogging.
How about you?
You can incorporate blogging into your sales marketingand achieve more success.
Have your customers publish an online diary insteadof giving you a testimonial. The diary would includeregularly updated entries of how customers are usingyour product to improve their life. You could givecustomers a free product or a rebate in exchange forthem publishing it online.
Your customers could write diary entries about goalsthey have reached using your product, the positiveemotions it's given them, the fears and worries yourproduct has taken out of their lives, how bad theirlives were before they bought it, how it has helpedother people in their lives, etc.
Your customers could update it daily, weekly ormonthly. It will depend on how often they use yourproduct. You could publish the diary right in yourad or link directly to the diary. You could providethe people with web space for writing the onlinediary or have them e-mail you the diary entries foryou to publish.
You can make the online diary extra persuasive byalso including customer's personal profile, pictures,online video of them using your product, net audioof them talking about your product, even scannedhandwritten letters, etc.
An online diary would likely outsell the commontestimonial because it's updated on a regular basisand reveals more personal information. A diary isconsidered private which would make people morecurious to read it and believe it's legitimacy.
May you these sales marketing secrets help you to make a lot of money.
I-key Benney, CEO
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