Free Auction Tools and Secrets
By Kirk Meyer
There is an amazing amount of new auction information and tools that come to our training facility everyday. We have one person that purchases products and evaluates their worthiness as to if we should get licensed and give to our students.
Sometimes we all get so involved with the latest and greatest traffic tool or product source I forget that some folks need to remember some of the basic tools and systems that were new once and are still good. Here's a couple of standby free tools that everyone should have if they have a website.
The following is a basic toolbar, when you enter a web address a number will come up on the toolbar (that number is not always accurate but it is the number that the site is on the search engine directory). The smaller the number, the better. When you click that number you can do many things. Some I'll talk about in the next article, but primarily you can check the traffic of that site. Our product evaluater uses that first before buying a new tool or service (if someone is selling you traffic and they have none, it's a good idea to stay away from them).
Download the Alexa toolbar here
The next thing to help with your SEO (search engine optimization/ranking) is to check and see if your web designer (we do this constantly with the websites we build for our students) has got your META tags entered properly. There are lots of variables here and the robots change their perameters all the time. You can go to this site and it will run a free analysis. Then it will also let you regenerate the way it should be.
I'll be posting regularly on our sites.Why am I writing about websites when we are an auction training company? Good question. We feel your website is your business hub. The auction sites like eBay, Yahoo and Overstock are income generators, but your site is the headquarters. You can also make income off Clickbank products, affiliate programs, newsletters, auctions and your own web site.
A quick tip. Whenever purchasing an item from eBay, fill out the feedback form and make sure you include your site URL. This is one more little thing that will drive somebody to your site.
First, its about margins. Then, its about traffic.
Well, one more thing. We all know about link exchanges (they help with getting you traffic and most importantaly they help your search engine ranking). There are many free systems you can install on your site. The one we use for our students is We like it because it's automated and your link partners can set up their link without you spending a lot of time.
Next, you need link partners. This site lets you select the categories you are looking for link partners in and it sends a request to all members inviting them to link with you. It's a super tool and again, its free. Go to
Hope that helps you out.
If you have questions or having any problems, we offer a no cost 15 minute consultation. Just call 800-827-0282.
Kirk Meyer
Auction trainer
Kirk Meyer,head of auction education at [], speaker at top internet summits.
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