Start Your Own Business: Sell Things on eBay

The popularity of online auction site eBay has beenlegendary. With millions of transactions completed daily,it is no surprise why many individuals who do not usuallyshop online regularly purchase items through eBay. Fromantique washboards to brand new wedding gowns, everythingunder the sun can be found within the many categories inone of the web's most popular websites. Many entrepreneurshave used the website's popularity to their advantage andsell things on ebay. With little start-up costs, using eBayas your marketplace instead of a traditional storefront,selling items on eBay is an excellent means for anyentrepreneur to develop a successful business.

There are many e-books and websites devoted on how to startan ebay business, so resources abound on the World Wide Web.You may want to seek out individuals who have started asuccessful eBay business for their stories and helpful tips.You can find these individuals by directly contacting themthrough their eBay sites or through business-relatedwebsites. Additionally, you should check out the websitesof other eBay sellers, especially those selling thingssimilar to your goods. Finally, access the eBay websiteand find the specifics on how to go about setting up youreBay business. You will find some auctions will be moresuccessful than others. Many sellers choose to set theirauctions to end on a weekend instead of a week day. Thesesellers have determined their auctions tend to elicit morebids during that time since more potential buyers areonline.

Regardless what you choose to sell on eBay, keep in mindthe size and shape. You will be shipping all auction itemsto their buyers, who will cover the cost of shipping intheir payment. For this reason, many buyers may behesitant to bid on items that will be expensive to ship.Additionally, you will want to choose items that willeasily fit into a standard-size box, since oversized items(even though they may be lightweight) will be expensive toship. You will want to be knowledgeable of the shippingpolicies of the United States Postal Service in additionto other shipping companies. Furthermore, if you plan ofshipping a large volume of items, you should consider whereyou are going to get your shipping supplies. Many sellersadd in a slight handling fee to cover the cost of thesesupplies.

Just as with starting any business, carefully consider whattype of eBay business you wish to start. Deciding whatitems to sell will be a huge part of the start-up of youreBay business, as you must figure out where you are going toget your stock. Many sellers choose to sell their handmadeor craft items instead of purchased goods. Other individualschoose to sell antiques on eBay instead of renting space inan antique mall or setting up a traditional storefront shop.If you currently participate in an "at-home" business such asMary Kay, Pampered Chef, or Creative Memories, eBay is anexcellent way to expand your clientele. Many buyers arelooking for these items but do not know a representative ordo not wish to wait the traditional order time to receivetheir products.

Whatever you choose to sell on eBay, the appearance andwording of your auction will make all the different when itcomes to selling your products. Perhaps the most importantfeature of your auction website will be the photographs ofthe products. Investing in a digital camera will pay offquite well in the end, as most eBay users do not look atauctions unless they have images of the product attached.Your description should compliment your image and describethe product to the utmost detail. If there are any flawsin the item, be sure to note this and even take a picture.You will find sellers would rather bid on items they knowis slightly damaged instead of thinking they have beenduped when they receive your auction in less than mintcondition. The buyer feedback that makes up your sellerrating will be quite important, since you are sellingitems based on your good faith.

John Evans runs, and has written the book Success Alert - Conversations with Successful Internet Entrepreneurs which has been widely acclaimed in a variety of online and print media. If you want to learn to sell things on eBay this book is an absolute must-read!

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