Auction Seller Guide To Success

When its time to clean-up around the house, some people havea hard time deciding what to keep and what to throw out.What they need is an incentive.

How about collecting cash from stuff that was collectingdust?

You can do this by auctioning-off your unwanted or no longerneeded items on eBay. eBay is the largest online marketplace of its kind. If you are considering this, then youneed to gain some basic knowledge of the listing process.

Here is a 10-item checklist to go over before you beginselling:

1. Look at Other Seller Listings

Do a search for your item. See how other sellers list thesame or similar item. Take mental note of the category, thetitle, the description, the photo and the pricing.

2. Choose the Most Appropriate Category

Make sure your item is in the most appropriate category.Avoid placing it in a category where it doesn't belong.List your item in the wrong category, and people looking foryour item will not find it. Let eBay suggest the categoryfor you, if you are unsure which category your item belongs.

3. Write an Accurate Title for Your Listing

Make it easy for buyers to find your item in a search bywriting a precise title of it. Be as exact and detailed aspossible so your item can show up in broad keyword searchestoo. Avoid using hype words like "Best," "Great," or"Fantastic." Putting these words in the title will not helpbuyers find your item because they don't type in these typesof words in their searches.

4. Set Your Price Low

Entice your buyers by starting at a low price. Set areserve price in your listings so you don't have to sell itwhen the auction ends at too low of a price for you to makea profit.

5. Give Plenty of Time for Your Auction

Let as many people as possible see your auction. Set theduration for five or seven days so weekend buyers will havea chance to bid on your item too.

6. Show a Photo of Your Item

Take a digital photo of your item and post it with yourlisting. Let your buyers see what they are bidding on.Allow the photo to help you sell it. Having to seesomething first before you buy it is only natural. Applythis same principle to online auctions. Buying a digitalcamera is a good investment these days and instructions onloading pictures up to the eBay site are simple enough thatthere really is no excuse not to have a picture.

7. Give Buyers Plenty of Payment Options

Make it easy for the buyer to pay. Providing as manypayment options as available is better. Place in your itemlisting your own merchant account or credit card processorinformation. Sign up with Paypal if you don't have your ownmerchant account. Let buyers pay by check or money order ifyou don't provide payment through Paypal or credit cards.Including all payment options leaves no buyers behind.

8. Be Clear on Shipping and Handling Information

Avoid troubles or negative seller feedback by statingupfront your shipping costs. Mention this clearly in yourlisting. Include your return policy.

9. Give Contact Information

Gain the buyer's trust by freely stating your contactinformation. List your email, phone number or mailingaddress.

10. Keep on Testing

Review the auctions that have ended. Learn from the winsand losses. Try changing the category, title, descriptionor price if it didn't sell. Testing the individual elementsin the auction process is critical to your goal of becominga successful auction seller.

© Leroy Chan - All Rights reserved

Discover the "Insider Tricks" to making money on eBay. Visit Leroy Chan's site, Auction Seller Guide to receive a free 12-part auction selling course.

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