Alzheimers Information
Do You Have Alzheimer's- or Normal Forgetfulness?
We all have moments when we forget something. When we experience occasional memory loss, how can we tell whether it's just normal forgetfulness due to aging, or if we are actually getting Alzheimer's disease? Here are some of the signs that will tell you when your memory loss is normal, and when you should get it checked out.
Alzheimer's Symptoms
Alzheimer's is a disease that affects the brain cells, it leads to dementia and a deterioration of the brain. This disease can be hard to diagnose, because it happens slowly and the symptoms are mild. The only symptom is a mild forgetfulness, for example, forgetting recent events, and a person name or being unable to solve simple problems.
Helpful and Fun Activities For Patients With Alzhemier's Disease
If you are caring for someone with Alzheimer's Disease or even someone living with this disease there are some easy and fun activities that you can do to help ward off the effects of Alzheimer's disease. These activities will help to keep your brain active, flexible and alert.
Remembering Manuel...(Alzheimer's/dementia)
Heart-breaking is the only word I can use to describe Manuel, who was a patient the same time I was a patient, at the VA hospital in 2005. At the time, I knew nothing about dementia...that awful disease that takes away the mind, and leaves the person hopelessly in the dark!
Supportive Information On Coping With The Signs And Symptoms Of Alzheimer's Disease
There's no doubt about it - if someone you love develops Alzheimer's disease, your lives will be changed forever. It's truly devastating to watch someone you love as they begin to lose their memory, and as the disease progresses, it also becomes a lot more difficult to care for that person. Let's take a look at a few basic ways in which you can cope more effectively as your loved develops Alzheimer's.
Learning How To Cope With Alzheimers Disease
Did you know that Alzheimer's Disease is the most common form of dementia? It is a condition that affects the neurological health of an afflicted patient and is a degenerative disease of the brain from which presently, there is no recovery with over 4 Million Americans suffering from this dementia. The illness is devastating and robs both the sufferer and also their family and friends of treasured moments. Alzheimers is equally one of the most emotionally draining and traumatic conditions for both sufferer and family alike.
The Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's Disease is a disease that impairs the brain and causes memory loss, particularly in the elderly. What in effect happens is that nerve cells in the brain die manifesting itself with symptoms of memory loss. Nerve cells are crucial to the process of recall. Although the disease develops slowly it will eventually lead to death. Alzheimer's disease is the 9th most common cause of death for those who are 65 years old or more. It is worth noting that the average time from diagnosis till death is approximately 8 years, although some suffers have lived for 20 years, before the disease leads to death.
Alzheimers Info To Make Your Life Easier
Probably one of the most difficult things you'll every have to do, is care for someone with Alzheimers. The reality that the person with Alzheimers is likely very close to you, only makes the task more challenging. Being armed with as much Alzheimers info as possible, and knowing where you can turn to if you need more help or information can make a world of difference. Being someone who cares for another human being puts you into a category with a high degree of burnout. It can be a stressful, thankless job. You need to stack the odds in your favor as much as possible.
Is It Alzheimer's Or Simple Forgetfulness? An Alzheimer's Definition
Find out the real Alzheimer's definition. Learn what to do if you or someone you know seems to have Alzheimer's.
The Conditions Of Alzheimer's Dementia Explained
Alzheimers disease is fundamentally a form of mental disorder known as dementia. The disease is by far the most ever-present dementing illness of today with the more common form of Alzheimers disease known as late-onset Alzheimer's.
Coping with Alzheimer's Disease
Many elderly people in nursing facilities have Alzheimer's disease. This disease causes the short term potion of the brain to shut down. Elderly people who have the disease may forget their children's names, but will remember events and people from their childhood.
Alzheimer's Disease and Music Therapy
Activities for Alzheimers patients will often depend on the stages of Alzheimer's disease that the person is at. Alzheimer disease and music therapy are now used in many cases with some amazing results. One of the most remarkable things about this sad disease is the joy and comfort that Alzheimer's disease and music therapy can bring, my late Gran suffered from Alzheimer's in her latter years and my Dad used to always play some old songs on a Wednesday night.
Heavy Metal Anchors Alzheimer's in Your Brain
Heavy metals and aluminum are in every part of our environment and food. These elements are deadly and you will benefit if you are aware of what they do where they come from.
Behavioral Manifestations of Alzheimer's Dementia
Alzheimer's Dementia has a combination of cognitive and behavioral manifestations. Cognitive impairment is the core problem which includes memory deficits and at least one of the following: aphasia or language problem, agnosia or problems with recognition, apraxia or motor activity problem, and impairment in executive functioning (e.g. planning, abstract reasoning, and organizing).
Are All Dementias Alzheimer's?
I'm surprised when some patients and caregivers confuse dementia and Alzheimer's as one and the same. Each time a family member is suffering from memory loss, the conclusion is always Alzheimer's. Is it reasonable to label all dementias as Alzheimer's?