Kyolic Clears Constipation and Strengthens Your Colon

Garlic is another wonder herb. It has action in all areas of your body and can help you eliminate constipation. You can find it in capsules in a brand call Kyolic.

Kyolic is a special garlic preparation, which is aged for 20 months in stainless steel tanks. With this aging, garlic odor is eliminated and certain chemicals are enhanced - S-allyl-mercaptocysteine, S-allyl-cysteine. These chemicals are powerful sources for fighting various diseases - cancer, heart and liver disease.

Kyolic cleanses, soothes, and reduces inflammation throughout your gastrointestinal tract. It is rich in potassium, which is necessary colon wall contraction.

Kyolic is also effective in killing pathogens and bad bacteria that live in your colon and elsewhere in your body. It also binds to heavy metals and other toxins that exist in the blood and colon and sweeps them out of the rectum. Aside from helping in constipation, it is helpful for reducing,

• fungus and other bacteria in your ear

• skin lesions due to bites or insects stings - use liquid form

• arthritis - requires 12 capsules a day

• diabetes - requires 12 capsules a day.

You can buy it in capsule and liquid form. Capsules are easy to take and have no side effects.

Here's how to use it,

.For mild cases of constipation take 2 tablets once or twice a day.

.For moderate cases of constipation take 2 tablets three times a day.

.For severe cases of constipation take 2 tablets five times a day.

Or if you prefer you can take 4-5 Kyolic capsules just before going to bed.

Continue this until your constipation is cleared. You can combine this Kyolic remedy with the apples and spinach remedy to help rebuild and remove toxic material, which builds up along your colon walls.

Continuous use of Kyolic is not harmful. It is the allicin in garlic that provides the stimulation to your colon to produce peristaltic movement.

Kyolic can be bought in health food stores or on the Internet. Just type in Kyolic into the google search engine.

Garlic has blood-thinning abilities. Using it with blood thinning drugs, pentoxifylline, NSAID's is potentially dangerous since excessive blood thinning can increase blood-clotting time. Do not use 3 days before any surgical procedure.

Garlic can also cause an allergic reaction or an upset stomach in some people.

Do not use garlic if breast-feeding. Garlic can get into the breast milk giving the baby colic.

Garlic in the Kyolic capsules is an excellent way to deal with constipation. Using it improves you colon function and gives you body nutrients that make it stronger.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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